Do you really think you are free? (A question to those in the US primarily)
Do you really think we are truly free when the government has claimed authority to indefinitely detain or assassinate anyone without a warrant or due process and they also claim the power to be able to put as many people as they want into slave camps at a moments notice?
They also claim the ability to take all your property, gold, money, food, etc.
I mean seriously.. How free are you if your government can basically take EVERYTHING from you in a moments notice?
Many say that the US is now the least free country in the world – and the most corrupt. How the mighty have fallen!
And it's rather scary, to think that it's global hegemony is collapsing, but it still maintains a massive, globally deployed military. Which it will not hesitate to use.
Truth. However, I am not sure we can possibly be truly free. We are born into a system that churns out good little worker bees.
Voting can't make us free (and I upvoted you, LOL).
I really like the order of the amendments: first, ability to speak freely, and redress the government for grievances; and second, if the government refuses to accept our speech, we have weapons to stop the errant government.
thats a grate post........
Great article. thanks for sharing.100% like and resteem
I am not a US citizen, but I assure you I am not a free man! We voted for thieves and bastards who we call as government! now they are sucking us! So, I never say we are free from them! Great discussion friend!
no one is free in this world. excellent article @apolymask

Learn some new from your post. Love to read it.
Go to work, buy a house, watch TV, procreate, sleep and repeat after me: "I am free".
What is freedom? Anyone could indefinitely be detained or assassinated. No one has the ability to even keep their property, gold, money, or food after they die?
Scarier... How can we feel free to express these viewpoints about the government? They're surely watching and will have this on record, now that it's a decentralized public entity.
Maybe freedom is yours to be defined.