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in #philosophy8 years ago

Found this interesting line of text the other day, I can not verify how much of it is true.
I'm just not experienced enough in this area yet, or maybe ever. Heh..
BUT.. I wanted to copy paste this interesting stuff, and.. I sorta wanted to.. Mention the different possible meanings of Christ.

There's really a lot of different interesting or even fascinating interpretations.

Starting with the mushroom cults, there's some people who believed religions basically formed out of the use of certain drugs/plants.
One of the main ones being mushrooms! But also people think there was a connection to marijuana as well because of the story about curing blindness..
And marijauna can definitely help with some vision problems.

Another main reason people think this route is because some of the stuff in the bible is so larger than life and supernatural in unbelievable ways that it is believed these people were tripping on psychadelics.
Many people have strong life changing or religious experiments on mushrooms and other psychadelics.
To me it's not unreasonable at all to think they played a major part in the evolution of our minds.

I personally believe it's much more likely that Jesus was not a single person, but a whole group of people who used plants to heal, maybe some of the first shamans and doctors per se.
Much like many people thought Bodhidharma was one guy for a long time, until they discovered it was more likely a whole group of people and history has a way of condensing groups of people into singular names and identities.

The theory that I sorta think makes the most sense is called "astrotheology", and it basically posits that the gospels are a metaphor for what's going on in the heavens, or the "stars".
Many of the major stories happen on astrological dates, the "son" is taken to be synonumous with the "sun".
The lifegiver, the savior, salvation, without the sun, there would be no us.
Furthermore, Jesus was said to walk on water, like the reflection of the sun does, and also to turn water into wine like the sun does with the seed and grapes, sunlight and time.
There's a lot more too, like the 12 disciples equalling the 12 signs of the zodiac, the zodiac itself is a "cross" a "sun wheel" which measures time based on astrology and the sun.
But this is just a quick write up, not a scholarly article.. So go research that more if you find it interesting.

Some people also think the word Christ comes from "crystal".. And I haven't personally gone down this rabbit hole yet but I want to soon.
I think there might indeed be a connection there, the names sound phonetically very similar and it also has a sort of "clear" meaning to it.

Going further, we have a crowd of people who think Christ means basically.. "semen" and that this is where the word "shaman" comes from.
Christ etymologically does mean something along the lines of.. "The anointed" and going deeper into ointments and oils, some people believe those could be synonomous with semen.
There's even a link to ancient priests like covering themselves with semen(and warriors and others), as disgusting as that sounds.. It doesn't end there..

There is actually a lot of evidence to suggest that the ancients considered sexual fluids sacred, they drank period blood juice, they ate the placenta after birth, they would also consume semen and blood and other things.
This is likely where the modern day spirit cooking sort of emerged from.. And who knows whether it's wrong or right.
But it does appear that there is health benefits to doing some of these sorts of things.
In modern times we now have a resurfacing of people consuming sexual fluids in a sacred therapeutic healing kind of way.
There's even some people, a good amount who are starting to do things like eat the placenta after birth again..
Regardless of what I think about all that.. Sexual energy is pretty much the basis of all life.

We have language, buildings, weapons, arts, sports, tools of all different kinds, math and so many different things directly connected to sexual energy in our ancient historical roots.
For example the word pencil basically means penis so when you write you are using sexual energy to create.
A pyramid or an obelisk is also a penis the occult believe they are pulling God's sexual energy into their buildings to bless them, likewise stadiums and places like the "oval" office are meant to represent the feminine.
An I in the alphabet could also be seen as such, or an O for a vagina, thus combining I's and O's in our language is basically sexual energy.
We have this thing happening where, many of these everyday things we tend to think nothing further of, actually have their roots in sex magic or sexual energy.
So I mean.. How far fetched would it be, if Christ basically meant semen?

A funny thing is, how many people who worship him would be offended by that or get mad at me or others for even suggesting such.
This is one reason why I get rather annoyed when people claim the story of Christ is a literal historical account of a real guy.
THERE'S a lot of different interesting ideas and theories about how the story is a metaphor for other things.
And to say it was a real historical story pretty much cancels out all the other fascinating and well researched possibilities.
Who really knows! I don't think anyone in modern times knows, but it seems clear a lot of people sure pretend to know. -.-
The passage I "came" across will be below, and by the way this isn't a new theory to me.. I had heard about it before and talked about it before a lil bit.. But I still haven't got that "deep" into it yet. Lol.

"Alongside the Sumerian shemman, "a priest or mixer of oils" we have mash, shem, which are words meaning, most astonishingly of all, "semen." Similarly, alongside Greek smegma, "soap" and Hebrew sh-m-sh, "priest" there is also shammash, "penis." It is clear from the evidence of so many different language groups that roots for butter, oil, grease, unguent, salve, juice, etc. and roots for anointing, massaging, rubbing are related directly to the idea of HEALING and SALVATION. But preposterous as this may seem to some, the religious origins of the Arabs, Jews and Egyptians, which ultimately gave us Christianity, have roots in turn leading into the most primitive heart of Black Africa! For the Messiah is the "anointed one", and the anointing of kings and priests is an extremely ancient practice, ultimately reaching back, in all probability, to fertility rites (i.e. "health, healing") in which early shamans or medicine-men may have rubbed themselves with semen.
No doubt baptism (originally done with oils and perfumes) arose simply as an imitation of the anointing of kings, since the literally new-born, together with the "born-again" business common to many old religions, are so inordinately high in social status."

I have no problem admitting I don't know what happened back then. I wasn't there, it's easy for me to say.
However, if I were to give a likelihood of what I think is more likely.. Based on my.. Close to 20 years of general research.
I would say all the allegorical metaphorical possibilities I mentioned above are much more likely than a literal story of all this supernatural impossible by modern day standard things.
And that's gotta be a lil disconcerting if you believe in the literal story.. Cause.. It's in my opinion more likely that what you think was a real story, was the ancients tripping balls on mushrooms and other drugs and describing hallucinations they had.

There's probably numerous theories I missed, but those are some of the main ones and more interesting ones..
The literal version defies morality, psychics, logic and everything we've come to know in modern times in regards to supernatural abilities and powers.
I don't understand when people think it's likely all that stuff in the bible really happened, or act as if THEY KNOW it did for a FACT.
I'll close with this.. As Hopsin said it one of his songs..

"You haven't been chatting with me like you did Adam and Eve
And I ain't seen no talking snake or rabbit from trees
With an apple to eat, that shit never happens to me"

(PS Also I'll provide one documentary link below for any curious about the literal Jesus, not saying it's 100% proof, but.. It's more information to consider.)


I mostly agree with you, great post. Resteemed.

But if they used plants to heal, wouldn't they write that down? I mean I don't see why you wouldn't write something like that down.

Maybe it was sacred knowledge. You could have been killed just for saying God's name in some places. There were a lot of ways you could be killed if you weren't careful, they needed to hide these secrets sometimes it seems. The kings of the time didn't want their people knowing too much, sorta like how the elite of this day and age don't want us knowing too much.

King Herod sought out to killed jesus as a baby. The pharisees talked about ways to kill him. And in the end, Jesus was crucified. So, even if was using plants to heal, he was still a very controversial figure. The message he was teaching was already disruptive to some of the powers or elites, and they already wanted to kill him. So I don't think Jesus would have needed to hide using plants, because he'd have died either way.