Bankers Still Worship the Golden Calf

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Golden Calf.jpg

Bankers Still Worship the Golden Calf
by Amir Fatir

Universal law is expressed through cycles such as high and low tides, sympathetic and parasympathetic neural predominance, expansion and contraction, annual seasons, day and night, and plantings and allowing the land to lay fallow.

Deviation from universal law results in crashes, wars, civil strife, disease, social collapse and all manner of individual and collective detriment. Adherence to universal law results in healing, prosperity, harmony, unity and success.

The universal processes are many-layered and multidimensional, yet they operate similarly on their plane of activity. What scholars call "myths" were composed to indicate the components, activity and interrelationships of the process on any level. A "myth" is actually more like a formulaic story conveying principles of universal law.

Let's take the formula "Adam" as an example.

Anthropologically, Adam represents the early homo sapiens or Cro-Magnon Man who succeeded (came after or Khalifah) all other humanoids such as Neanderthal. Psychologically, Adam represents the higher intelligence.

In the dimension of physics, Adam symbolizes or enacts the processes of the Atom. When it is split (chest cracked open to release Eve) a nuclear wind or force (Eve means "breeze") is released that can catalyse "the fall of man", i.e. nuclear holocaust.

On a biological level, Adam represents the cell's nucleus.

Initiatorily, it is the divine "Son of God" stage that is the goal of spiritual cultivation. The Kamitians call it Atem and Tem.
These divine formulaic dramatizations go into the collective unconscious ("underworld") and prick and impinge upon consciousness until someone "discovers" atomic fission, evolution, psychology, sociology or mitosis of cells (cell division).

In other words, the divine myths run in our subconscious until they produce enough insight for us to see what we didn't previously see and then we look back at the scriptural passage and say, "Goodness! The Bible is saying the same thing."

But we seldom recognize that it was the Bible (or other scriptural collection) that revealed it to us in the first place.
Of course, the majority of people are not sensitive enough to resonate with these kinds of revelatory vibrations and either ignore the Sacred texts or take the symbol (like Balaam talking) literally. Such are considered too "hard hearted" or "stiff necked" to really receive the word of God. But a growing number of people are ready for the vibratory ascension called "the Rapture". They are "my sheep who know the sound of my voice."

They are attuned to the "voice" (actually intuitive revelation) of "the spirit of truth who will guide you into all truth."
God gave us the right procedures to guide us in all walks of life. Religion is not just something to do on Sunday. Religion is a full and complete way of life.

The people entrusted with influence and leadership in any life ---whether economic, financial, political, educational, military, social, et al----are supposed to be shepherds guiding the flock in God's ways, not cheap and crooked shysters and thieves who exploit the people God has entrusted to them to feed their own insatiable greed.

Woe to the shepherd who is unmindful of his or her flock!

Economic Expansion/Contradiction & Joseph

The Pharaoh had a dream, in Genesis 41, of seven fat lambs devoured by seven lean ones and seven fat ears of corn devoured seven lean ones.

The Pharaonic dream points to the necessary cycle of economic growth and recession. An economy that's all growth becomes financial cancer.

As Ecclesiastes teaches, there's a time and place for everything. Economics are meant to expand (grow) and contract (recession) like everything else. When that universal law is artificially interfered with through schemes like "stimulus packages" and "quantitative easing” and "help to buy" schemes, then instead of the orderly processes, we experience "boom and bust" which wreck societies, ruin lives, create depressions and prompt wars.

The wise and prudent woman or man uses foresight (chokmah) to prepare for the recession contraction even while the expansion is taking place. They "save for a rainy day" so when recession comes ---- as it must ---- his /her money is actually worth more as prices fall. Things become more affordable. Old, unproductive businesses, products and systems are discarded.

But when economic growth is artificially prolonged, the economy eventually crashes like an addict hyped up on speed or cocaine and when it does, famine (depression) is the result.

Joseph taught the King to prepare for the 7 recessionary years by storing up grain (saving) during the seven years of expansion

The Law of Jubilee

God established the law of Jubilee, in accordance with the 50 seconds of longitudinal precession of the equinoxes, every 50 years.

Thou shalt number
Seven Sabbaths of years unto
three, seven times seven years;
and the space of the Seven
Sabbaths of years shall be unto
three forty and nine years.

Then shalt thou cause the
trumpet of the jubilee to
Sound on the tenth day of
the seventh month, in the
day of atonement shall ye
make the trumpet sound
Throughout all your land.
And ye shall hallow the
fiftieth year, and proclaim
liberty throughout all the
inhabitants thereof: it
shall be a jubilee unto
you; and ye shall return
every man unto his possession,
and ye shall return every man
unto his family.

Leviticus 25:8-10

A few years before the financial crash of 2007-2008 the jubilee arrived. The bankers disobeyed it and the result is economic collapse, wars and rumours of war (terrorism) in nearly every nation and all manner of social disease ("pestilence").

the bankers see jubilee and obedience to universal law as an inconvenience to be gotten around, but in reality, it is a protective mechanism for them. When the bankers break economic cycle law, the people figure out whose tricks and schemes are at the root of suffering and debt slavery and they rise up and kill them wholesale. This has happened again and again and is stewing up now across Europe and in America.

The Bankers Worship of the Golden Calf

In Exodus chapter 32 the people take all their gold and melt it down to make a young bull or golden calf. The Wall Street bankers are doing just that. They serve and worship "the Bull Market" and even have an idol of their god right on display in front of the New York Stock Exchange.

Instead of observing the whole set of economic laws they do every sneaky thing imaginable to perpetrate bull markets (rising prices, i.e. inflation) for eternity.

That's a false god. It is impossible to continue expansion forever. So, what they've managed to do is keep expansion for the bankers by forcing hyper contraction onto everyone else. They call their manufactured famine "austerity".
Not only are the bankers worshipping bulls, they're forcing bull service upon everyone else.

The Langham Bull & Yon: Dove

The bull symbolizes procreation or expansive growth. Many prophets saw the need to sacrifice cows and bulls because inflationary growth becomes a false idol god far more than recession (contraction like vaginal muscle or yon:) does. Like the value of women and femininity, the value of contraction is far too easily overlooked.

When Jesus was initiated (baptized) by John (Ionis), a dove landed on his shoulder. Unlike the bull marketeers, Jesus taught a rich man would find it hard to make it to heaven. He threw the banksters ("moneychangers") out of the temple and he told would-be initiates to give away all their wealth to the poor. He epitomized the dove, the yon: or contraction phase of the cycle ("church").

The church is a symbol of the whole cycle, not just a phase of it. Jesus, as head of the church, points to the fact that leaders should be more willing to sacrifice than to profit or tax off of others