The Divine Matrix - bridging time, space, miracles and belief

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

As long as I know myself, I’ve been thirsty for knowledge. I always wanted to find out more, to understand and to know the world I live in, the people around me, “the laws of life”, other’s wishes, our fears and what motivates people I cross my life with.

This is how I started to study quantum physics. And what else was better than reading Gregg Braden’s books?

During the 8 chapters of THE DIVINE MATRIX I’ve been on an incredible journey with the world’s most famous physicians. I’ve been the silent observer in their laboratory and sometimes hardly could I master my surprise in front of their studies’ results. Then, I took my imaginary backpack and got to a roadtrip in Tibet, next to Braden. I have mentally been in tibetan monks’ cells and I wrote down every word of wisdom they whisppered to the author of the book. Then I had a walk on New Mexico’s canyons and, after that I’ve been in China only to visit a clinique of non traditional medicine. In the end of the book I reached inside of myself, inside of my values system, close to my wishes, where I could say “Hello and Goodbye” to my own limits and my own fears. After reading this book I have discovered a new me, in a new place of calmness I never knew before.

In The Divine Matrix, Braden teaches us about the idea that our reality is only one of the multiples realities revealed in front of us and by only changing our own ways to see a problem, we can create a new reality or, betters said, we can choose a different reality from all of them available in the Universe. Starting with Einstein’s affirmations that “we cannot solve a problem as long as we have the same thinking as we had when we created it”, Gregg Braden suggests the fact that we cannot change a reality as long as we stick with the same conscious state that created it.

Taking into consideration that all researches mentioned in the book have revealed the fact that human emotions have a direct influence into the cells in our bodies, we can conclude that we are directly in charge of our own reality and others’ around us. Also, people around us cand influence their reality and also owers. Interesting, isn’t it? :)

In case you may still wonder how can we affect others’ realities, let’s play a little game. Have you ever found yourself thinking about a person you haven’t talk in a while? Did you imagine yourself calling that person just to know how she or he’s been lately and in that exact moment you hear your phone calling and discover that the caller is the exact person you were thinking of? Is this kind of happening just a coincidence or your thought becoming a reality?

Physics researches show us that all the things contained by the Universe are interconnected and have an incredible influence in each other. And then, if there is this energy that connects every little thing with others, how can we use it in order to create the life we dream of? Because everyone of us has a different way of seeing the ideal life, we cannot find the answer in the book, but within ourselves. There, in the book we can find out how to find the answers in our souls.

The Divine Matrix describes perfectly this energy that connects the entire Universe and by mixing scientific researches with the wisdom of the tibetan monks it helps us understand better that everyone of us is an important part of the whole system and by choosing how we create our reality we influence the Universe’s reality. In other words, we have within ourselves everything we need to make all the changes we want and to create our ideal life.

With every chapter of the book, there was a growing question in my mind: Does life follow our predictions or fullfills our expectations? If our thinking is limited by negative thoughts, such as: “I’m not good enough, I’m not gonna reach that point, Never gonna happen, I cannot do this, etc”, are we still able to create the life we want? That moment(s) when we say to ourselves “I cannot”, we push the break pedal, stop the engine and get out of this car called “Ideal Life”.

Fortunately, there is a solution for this problem!
If we manage to change “I’m not good enough” with “I’ll do my best to become the best version of myself and I can see an incredible change happening”, we change our reality and speed up to the most wonderful highway: Our dream life. There is no need to see every step you have to take to the final destination. On this great highway you’ll find road signs that lead you to the place you deserve to be.

What did I discover by reading The Divine Matrix?
Well, I concluded that as long as The Universe is infinite and we are an important part of it, our opportunities are infinite and we are in charge of the reality we build to ourselves on every minute of our existence.

What can you discover in The Divine Matrix?
You can find scientific explanations for some things you used to see as being abstract. You will discover some thoughtful words from tibetan monks sustained by researches of savants. You will also discover the connection between science and spirituality, but the most important thing you’ll find out is that the only limitations we have are the ones we sell to ourselves.

What haven’t I mention about The Divine Matrix?
I haven’t told you that sometimes you’ll feel the need to close the book, pick up your phone and google for the scientific researches described in it. Also, sometimes you’ll re-read a line for maybe 2 or 3 times, just to assimilate and integrate in your own values system those words. And, after you’ll finish reading the book, you’ll find yourself daydreaming about yourself being in the first row at Gregg Braden’s next conference.

Instead of closing line, I leave here an idea you may want to reflect on: We, as part of today’s Universe can’t change it completely, but, by changing the way we live our lives we can change small parts of it.

I wish you all to find all the resources to build yourself the life you’ve always dreamt of!