[philosophy] @mamaburger Presents You the Top Trending Posts for the Category philosophy [10/21/2017]
We have here for you the top trending posts of today ( posted within the last 24h ) for the tag/category "philosophy".
@mamaburger will find each day for you the best, newest and most interesting posts on Steemit to give you great example post, which will help you to earn even more money from your own posts.
Enjoy the todays "philosophy" top list
Title: Why does negativity keep us negative
created by @clayboyn
Current Payout Value: $26.64
Current Votes:74 Votes

Title: HALF TERM HAS ARRIVED A Week Off Teaching To Enjoy Steemit Thank You Curie
created by @arckrai
Current Payout Value: $5.54
Current Votes:16 Votes

Title: Is Virtual State The Next Social Evolutional Step
created by @fingersik
Current Payout Value: $5.2
Current Votes:54 Votes

Title: Concept No 8 REFUSE THE SOCIAL NORMS CollaboratedQuotes Poetry Article
created by @himshweta
Current Payout Value: $2.83
Current Votes:26 Votes
Title: Words Ideas Of Beautiful Minds allabout
created by @allabout
Current Payout Value: $2.45
Current Votes:68 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
Title: Words Ideas Of Beautiful Minds allabout
created by @allabout
Current Payout Value: $2.34
Current Votes:67 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
Title: Quick quote I vibed with
created by @apolymask
Current Payout Value: $0.82
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
Title: Thomas Sowell The Arrogance of Intellectuals fakeengineer
created by @borepstein
Current Payout Value: $0.75
Current Votes:9 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
Title: Towards a Coordinationist Paradigma of Macroeconomics Stefan Kooths
created by @grossefreiheittv
Current Payout Value: $0.6
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
Title: The Daily Meditation 70 TGA
created by @theguruasia
Current Payout Value: $0.58
Current Votes:14 Votes

Title: 2 Statements of the last great Indian leaders of the XIX century englishrussiangerman
created by @iamhuman
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:8 Votes

Title: Beliefs and Teachings Bashar
created by @chris-iv
Current Payout Value: $0.33
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
Title: Words of Wisdom Action makes things happen
created by @imwatsi
Current Payout Value: $0.33
Current Votes:39 Votes

Title: Gee I wonder
created by @apolymask
Current Payout Value: $0.25
Current Votes:9 Votes

created by @apolymask
Current Payout Value: $0.25
Current Votes:8 Votes

Title: The Source Of Happiness
created by @davidconstantine
Current Payout Value: $0.19
Current Votes:17 Votes

Title: The Madmans Return
created by @kierkeguardian
Current Payout Value: $0.19
Current Votes:3 Votes

Title: Why Age Should We End Aging Forever
created by @artakan
Current Payout Value: $0.19
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
Title: In Democide we trust
created by @apolymask
Current Payout Value: $0.14
Current Votes:8 Votes

Title: Words of Wisdom How you spend your time
created by @imwatsi
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:9 Votes

Title: 3 Philisophical Motivation
created by @jerimiah
Current Payout Value: $0.07
Current Votes:5 Votes

Title: Quote of the Day
created by @sarahber
Current Payout Value: $0.07
Current Votes:4 Votes

Title: Does it depend on us to be happy
created by @jawadovic
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:6 Votes

Title: What is life
created by @finalzexes
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:5 Votes

Title: Zen master Junneh
created by @weirdheadaches
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:2 Votes

Todays Top Author of category philosophy:
@clayboyn @arckrai @fingersik @himshweta @allabout @allabout @apolymask @borepstein @grossefreiheittv @theguruasia @iamhuman @chris-iv @imwatsi @apolymask @apolymask
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