How Be A Successful Millenial

in #philippines7 years ago

So you are millennial and you want yo be successful, well here are some of it that are going to help you to become a successful millennial.


This is one of the most important one out of all the habits we're gonna mention. Well a lot of people what they do is when they finish school, they stop learning and then starting to fall behind right. The power of learning is basically gonna do three main things you it's going to cut your learning curve so if you are trying to get somewhere look at it like this if you want to make a specific dinner or a recipe you want what do you do to get a cookbook. If you didn't have a cookbook and the recipe, how many times you gonna mess up on your cooking is there how many times you are gonna have to get the wrong ingredients and mess up make it taste disgusting and keep trying to get your way through by learning you want to cut your learning curve in half. You will be able to get it done a lot more quicker and easier bringing you on to the point number two  you are gonna save time, money and energy. Think about it if you learn from somebody who has made that recipe. How much time are you gonna save how much money are you gonna say what without having to go and buy the ingredients time and time again and how much energy you are gonna save by not having that feeling of failing. And most important it is gonna open up your mind to what is really possible when when it comes to doing this things you want  to do in your life. It is going to show you that all this recipe is possible because there is a set recipe on how to create it. Now use this guide as a recipe for your life. Whatever you want to do right whether it is to make a million. Whether it is to set up a business and travel the world. If you learn the correct principles on how to do it it is simply like following a recipe for a meal. So not be disheartened by when we are  at school and how reading was boring and how our learning is boring by being taught about Shakespeare and of mice or men and I was about. Learning  is exciting and it's gonna help you get to where you want to get to faster.


So you really gonna want to start planning your day. Start by planning your day specially than that before so before you go to bed get out a pen and paper and write down three top task that you want to accomplish. The next thing if those three things get done then you are a happy person. you know sometimes you have a whole list of things and if you don't get the whole this done then we think we didn't make progress. So start of with three main tasks that you would like to achieve. Add plans and goals of when you are gonna go and how you are gonna get there and then you are gonna get there faster than you have ever imagined, easier than you have ever imagined and more simply than you are imagined.


Next is meditating. Now what is meditating. The simplest way to put it is focusing on you breath in the moment and not getting distracted by outside force so now when you do this you are gonna get distracted, you are going to try and meditate and focus on the present moment right and focus on your breath and minds and a wander off sort of thinking about other crazy things but as long as you keep bringing your mind back to your breath then you are gonna going to improve now what are the benefit benefits or meditating think of it like this. How many times in the day do you take even one to sit there and focus on your breath, focus on your breath look subconsciously when you are not even thinking about it where you like that and you breathe and you take in your breath none of us never do this right and what's gonna do is it's gonna calm you down, it's gonna make you realize that life is not that stressful and it is going to help you yo analyze why you might be getting overwhelmed or stressed out which is common thing we all do.


positive thoughts is a positive living for millenial..

Check on all of these! It is really important if you want to succeed in life.