chameleon - iguana
Perhaps we can say that the chameleon is the coolest creatures on this planet. However, there are interesting facts you need to know about a chameleon. Yuk scrutiny.
Facts Unique and Special Feature Chameleon The chameleon has special characteristics not shared by other animals. The special feature is also as unique facts contained in the chameleon. The following facts chameleon unique and special features:
More than 50% Chameleon Species Living in Madagascar
In this world there are about 160 species of chameleon. Only 59 species of chameleons are spread across the world. The rest live in Madagascar.
Chameleons is a unique animal. Chameleon eye can see around the body up to 360 degrees. This is because the eyes of the chameleon can work alone. When there is prey, the chameleon can focus both eyes at the same object. So it can see a small insect with a considerable distance (about 5-10 meters).
The Chameleon and Chameleon are Two Types Similar Yet Different
It is very difficult, to extinguishing between the chameleon and the chameleon. Because in over Indonesian to English or vice versa, is a chameleon chameleon. But if you look runtutannya, the chameleon Chameleons and different families. Chameleons is a family agamidae while the chameleon of the family chamaeleonidae.
Food Chameleon
For you who want to maintain a chameleon, do not worry about the food chameleon. Because the food is eaten chameleon can be obtained easily and inexpensively even free. Food chameleon that small insects like flies, grasshoppers, cockroaches, and other jangkring. Can also be given a caterpillar. How to feed the chameleon that is by directly giving. And let chameleon himself caught.