
in #pet6 years ago

So i was working on my job about six years ago building cold stores and food factories and at my lunch break this little guy came crying to me so i fed him . He played on my mind all day hearing him crying because he strayed to far from his mother and he was in a very loud building with lots of banging and smashing ! so i brought him home and took care of him at the end of the day () I fed him special kitten supplements for 6months instead of the one month requirement as i seen his growth thriving . He was a little rascle and had a wild streak in him so i presumed his mum was a stray cat DSCN3273.JPG His first accident he broke his tail and needed it to be removed which caused him a great deal of stress but i picked up on his injury very fast DSCN3276.JPG We thought he was a girl as a kitten so we named him kitty and the vet then told me and my fiance kitty is a boy hence the name Mr.kitty IMG_20161130_212017.jpg Since we got Mr.kitty he has moved house with us 3 times and in his last house he had another accident , The vet said that she thought he lost his leg on a farmers snare trap and needed the rest of his leg removed . This was a very stressful time for Mr.kitty and his mummy and daddy 20180602_024808.jpg losing his leg did not deter him and he loves his new house and it is alot safer for him out in the country side with vast area to play and still hunt with 3 legs catching baby rabbits and mice ![20180615_102441.jpg]![20170803_032027.jpg]g)() I will post some of his best shots in the six years we have him , yes he eats when he wants , yes he wakes us up nearly every night , yes he can sleep in our bed , yes we love him like a child 2013-07-03 10.11.03.jpg18194656_285338031911901_3841938493064114793_n.jpg


Snapshopts :) 👍

he done well for a stray i found :)

Sometimes cats find us. That’s how I got mine. Lol.

well i don't think id find other like him . It's like living with a person that takes no shit . But can be very loving also

Omg is that mr kitty??? As a kitty?? He is so cute.... how is he doing? It seems nothing has kept him down right? Lol

Hes doing really well . He loves his new house . He is fast asleep on the chair beside me . He is still as big and strong as ever :)