Life Lessons from the Google Maps...

in #perspectives7 years ago

The Google Maps is one of the Tourist best value application. It truly gives that sense of independence, especially in new territories. With a smooth technology and a superb Global Positioning System, Google Map help millions of people explore the globe.

My focus today is to extract some Life Defining Principles for this Indispensable App

[Google Maps]

Assessing your current location

The firsts task a google map does in a truthful assessment of your current location. How often do we gloss over this important task? How often do we over rate our current situation?

In finding financial freedom (and any other freedom whatsoever), it is fundamental to assess your true self. Like a popular song in my country – “you should not be on Coca Cola budget, and keep ordering for Moet”.Such people sink faster than they know.

Black man know yourself - Kwame Nkrumah

It is imperative for anyone that truly want to leave his (her) current situation to have an unbiased assessment of their true state.

An input for where you want to Go

Call it a dream, goal. Without inputing the next box for where you desire to go, you have rendered the assessment of your current position useless.

your background is not an excuse to forever have your back on the ground.

Dream big, aim high. Aim for the sun, if you miss – you will end up with the stars.

How do you want to get there?

The google map demand of you to define your mode of transportation. This is crucial as it will determine your pace and by extension how soon you get to your destination.This also helps you define your expectation. How many of us are stuck in depression just because we have our mind on a different pace than what we are actually using.

The good news is that you can determine your own mode of transportation as well as change it while on the journey. If your current pace of walking is not bringing fulfilment, why not double up.

Select your preferred route

There is a popular saying around here – “ A single route do not lead to the market”. This life is full of alternatives. In the world we are today, flexibility is so crucial to survival. We all have to keep our mind flexible as we plan towards achieving life goals. Have you been experiencing substantial difficulty in a particular route, why not bring up a Plan B or C.

Press START.

After you have done all, Press START. This is so true, after we have defined all the parameters to take us to our “new” destination, we need to start.

a journey of a thousand miles, starts with a step.

It doesn’t matter how insurmountable that task looks today, for any success to be achieved you will need to start.

Press that START button.

Life is waiting for you… Most times to press START.


Thank you for sharing this experience with google map.
I am also using most of time google map.
Just a thing to consider is that the location you want to reach may have been changed cause google take time to update their data.
Be careful and enjoy.
upvotetoupvote @oadissin

I quite agree with you @oadissin

However the post is only focusing on some lessons that can be interpreted from the use of the app

Thanks for reading