Improving Personality #3 - Who really must be considered as friends.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #personality7 years ago (edited)

Generally, people desire to be with their friends. We may not find people who do not have friends. Friendship of desirable people enables a person to improve his personality. Not only that, a friend is like a mirror to know our personality, ‘A man is known by the company he keeps.’


One must be prudent in choosing his company as it has a great impact on him. One should avoid the company who induce habit forming practices and forbidden activities. Smoking, drinking of alcohol, usage of drugs and such other bad habits begin in company.

We need not have too man friends. Have just few friends whom you have properly tested over the course of time. ‘A true friend is the most precious of all possessions and the one We take the least thought about acquiring' said La Rochefoucauld.


Generally friends help one another in many ways. They even correct where necessary. They share personal belongings. Sometime they give financial assistance when one is in need. A friend in need is a friend indeed. One can develop his / her personality into inner and outer by the influence of friends. Friends can be a source of self esteem, affection and good times. In times of despair friends offer hope.

Making friends, especially from student life, is the instinct in every human. Making friendship is simple and easy, but how to maintain and develop is rather important.


Gossiping about friends may ruin friendship. Friendship definitely strengthens and deepens through doing and sharing experiences. As Gandhiji said, “Adversity is the crucible in which friendship is tested.” An English author gives a clue to test out if a new friend cam be trusted. Leakout an important secret and see if it is jept or spread around. That will give a clue as to whether our friend can be trusted with a significant secret another time.

No doubt, friends are essential. But you must be choosy. Always chose a friend of good character. Be prudent about friend’s confidences.


Friendship could develop because of common interests like literature, sports or music. So there is no age limit while making friendship. A student need not have a student only for a friend. Once you like a company, would like to get closer.

If you want to develop real friendships, become genuinely interested in other people. Give honest and sincere appreciatin when a friend of you gets success. make the other person feel important.

Few hints given below may be followed

  1. True friendship is priceless. So choose right friends. Right friends can help till our old age.

  2. Honest should be one of qualities of friendship . Be honest.

  3. Friends should be truthful with each other about their experiences, feelings and views. Be truthful. Let there be devotion to eachother.

  4. The friendship should not end. Any wrong loving may abruptly ruin a friendship. Voltaire said “Change your pleasure, but do not change your friends.”

  5. Make new friends but keep the old one.

  6. Friendship can also be maintained by talking over phone when friends are for off.

  7. Do not get into bad company. Once you get Into a bad company It Is impossible to come out. Bad friends, exploit others for selfish purposes. Avoid bad friends.

  8. Do not criticize, condom a friend. Instead of condemning try to understand him. "To know all is to forgive all".