
in #permaculture7 years ago

Jambo forward I am journaling about the process I have been doing to make nutrient rich soil. I first dug a fire pit to A) get a large container of soil (in my case clay) and to B) create wood ash.


The wood ash is used to adjust the acidic level of the soil and added organic material from the yard, mainly grass, and began to toil and till the mixture.. After several months of this passion, I covered the top with more organic material and let sit as the winter season approached so Mother Nature could do her work. While this was going on, I began my hydroponic system to grow plants for transplanting.

Come spring, I began a compost site, digging down about 3 feet and 4 across, adding grass, leaves, branches, and the countainer mixed with clay, wood ash, and other organic material. I toiled this soil over the next season...and began 2 more outside containers and 1 inside container...letting Mother Nature take her course of breaking down the bonds of the clay and organic substance, releasing replenishing nutrients and creating a fertile soil.


In Autumn, I purchased a green house through Amazon...picked up a bag of potting soil from Eastern Market...and started transplanting plants from the hydroponics.

I toil the soil quarterly, using a shovel and rake...generally spending the day working the soil back and forth. Today I spent about 4 hours on the compost pile...adding the containers that composted over the winter and turning over the soil to breakdown the dirt and organic material... and between spring quarter and fall quarter, I try to rotate the containers weekly to accelerate this composting process.
That being said...time to cook and slán til next time!