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RE: The Holistic Church: An Idea Explored

in #permaculture5 years ago

First let me say this, as a Christian and as a believer in natural, healthy and holistic living this post really resonated with me. The way you partnered up your ideas with scripture was wonderful. I also want to add that I appreciate you staying in context of the Word. Many read out of context which creates a huge mess which leads to false beliefs. Sadly the “church” has a bad rep because many claiming to be Christians don’t walk according to God’s word. Also some claiming to be Christians will be the ones that hear these words from the Lord...

I never knew you: Depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matthew 7:23)

Also what many don’t realize is that the “church” is the body of Christ not a building. We shouldn’t be so stuck on building up the four walls of a church building but instead building up one another as well as the communities around us.

This idea that you have shared would bring in so many ministry opportunities as you have stated. Helping with the spiritual and physical needs of our communities is so essential. While reading this post I was already thinking of ways to bring this to our church leaders.

My husband and I have tossed the idea around of starting a community garden within our neighborhood. A shared place where families can have a supply of fresh healthy foods. People wonder why cities/governments won’t supply public gardens or place fruit trees in’s because that wouldn’t fit their agenda. Sadly the goal and agenda is to keep us sick and unhealthy so we will continue to depend on commercial medicines and hospitals. If we start coming together more as a community to grow our own foods there will be less cancers and disease caused by contaminated foods being sold in stores. God has given us everything we need to survive and live healthy lives we just have to be willing to do the work to reap the benefits.

I am glad you shared your idea in the open, thank you for outlining it and putting the thought into our brains as well. It’s great to know you are a fellow Christian :) Great post! Upped and Resteemed!


Thanks so much for the support @crosheille!

I think you're right about the ministry potential. The church today is really not what I think it should be (not that I can judge lol). There's too much focus on far away things on a grand scale, and not enough at home in the church's own neighborhood.

I hope you can make some progress taking it to your own church, that's a really exciting idea to me. I'll be developing the idea more in the future, as this is just the beginning :)

Posted using Partiko Android

You are very welcome ;)

Looking forward to seeing your ideas unfold :)