Perhalic Linguistic Academy: The Russian Alphabet

Hello Everyone, Good Day. Today we are going to introduce a new series called Perhalic Language where we will help you learn new language scripts in every single posts of this series. Today, we are going to learn the Russian alphabets. The Russian Alphabet uses letters from the Cyrillic script.
Russian Character | English Equivalent | Sound | Letter Name in Russian |
А а | А а | Like "a" in car | "ah" |
Б б | B b | Like "b" in bat | "beh" |
В в | V v | Like "v" in van | "veh" |
Г г | G g | Like "g" in go | "geh" |
Д д | D d | Like "d" in dog | "deh" |
Е е | YE ye | Like "ye" in yet | "yeh" |
Ё ё | YO yo | Like "yo" in yonder | "yo" |
Ж ж | Zh zh | Like "s" in measure or pleasure; or like "g" in beige (the colour) | "zheh" |
З з | Z z | Like "z" in zoo | "zeh" |
И и | EE ee | Like "ee" in see | "ee" |
Й й | I i or Y y | like "y" in boy or toy | "ee kratkoyeh" |
К к | K k | Like "k" in kitten, "c" in cat. | "kah" |
Л л | L l | Like "l" in light | "ehl" |
М м | M m | Like "m" in mat | "ehm" |
Н н | N n | Like "n" in no | "ehn" |
О о | Stressed: O o; Unstressed: A a | Like "o" in bore; Like "a" in car | "oh" |
П п | P p | Like "p" in pot | "peh" |
Р р | R r | Like "r" in run (rolled) | "ehr" |
С с | S s | Like "s" in sam | "ehs" |
Т т | T t | Like "t" in tap | "teh" |
У у | U u | Like "oo" in boot | "oo" |
Ф ф | F f | Like "f" in fat | "ehf" |
Х х | H h, KH kh | Like "h" in hello or like the "ch" in Scottish 'loch' or German 'Bach' | "khah" |
Ц ц | TS ts | Like "ts" in bits | "tseh" |
Ч ч | CH ch | Like "ch" in chip | "cheh" |
Ш ш | SH sh (hard) | Like "sh" in shut | "shah" |
Щ щ | SH sh (soft) | Like "sh" in sheep | "schyah" |
Ъ ъ | Hard Sign | Letter before is hard | "tvyordiy znahk" |
Ы ы | I i | Like "i" in ill | "i" |
Ь ь | Soft Sign | Letter before is soft | "myagkeey znahk" |
Э э | E e | Like "e" in pet | "eh" |
Ю ю | YU yu | Like "u" in use or university | "yoo" |
Я я | YA ya | Like "ya" in yard. | "yah" |

Consonants and Vowels
The alphabet has 33 letters out of which
10 are vowel letters: а, э, ы, у, о, я, е, ё, ю, и.
21 are consonant letters in Russian: б, в, г, д, ж, з, к, л, м, н, п, р, с, т, ф, х, ц, ч, ш, щ. The consonant letter й is sometimes called a semivowel.
and rest of the two letters of the Russian alphabets are signs and therefore, do not designate any sounds. They are the "soft sign" (ь) and the "hard sign" (ъ).
How to Write the Russian Alphabets
Android: Gboard - the Google Keyboard
IOS: Gboard - the Google Keyboard
Read and Write Russian Resources
Russian For Everyone
Russian Lessons
Everyday Russian Language

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