Smart Society with Aigents

in #people6 years ago

Based on the Aigents platform (, we are creating a solution for increasing the efficiency, comfort and safety of users and their communities when interacting in modern electronic communication networks - the Internet, social networks, enterprise networks, e-mail, SMS text messages and others.
Снимок экрана 2018-08-30 в 0.21.51.png
The following functions are proposed for B2C and B2B markets:
• profile and environment: for an individual user and community (enterprise), identification of current profile, interests, nature of social relations and the history of social interactions (available now);
• community structure: for the community as a whole, identification of social and thematic groups, communication flows and implicit governance and subordination structures (implementation within half a year);
• hidden opportunities: identification of potentially useful links for the development of community and recommendations for strengthening these links (available now, further developments are required for the following):
◦ users and groups with similar interests or qualities,
◦ "leaders" - useful for the development of the user or group,
◦ "followers" - in need of the available qualities and competencies of the user or group;
• incoming threats: identification and ranking of potential threats from external participants for the user and the community (implementation for the following factors during the year):
◦ social engineering (fraud, unauthorized access),
◦ political manipulation, involvement in sects, and illegal activities,
◦ falling under the influence of mentally abnormal or socially dangerous subjects;
• outgoing threats: identifying and ranking potential threats coming from the users themselves or their community in respect to external participants (implementation within a year):
◦ actions leading to the strengthening of the above-mentioned threats (involvement in the social engineering, manipulation or exposure),
◦ actions leading to long-term disruption of one's own social environment under temporary stress (insulting friends and colleagues),
◦ violation of current legislation or ethical standards adopted in the community;
• information space: pro-active automatic search and collaborative filtering and verification of information of interest to the whole community (available now, improvements required);
• forecasts and recommendations: forecasting development of social interactions and processes, with automatic identification of desirable and undesirable scenarios, with recommendations for implementation or prevention measures (implementation within 2-3 years).

The solution is being brought to market in one of two variants, or in both simultaneously:
• server application B2B - an "out-of-the-box" solution for corporate users (communities and enterprises), marketed by the manufacturer on the basis of a corporate license or a lease agreement and deployed on its own user infrastructure;
• web-service B2B - analytical SAAS-service "in the cloud", provided to subscribers such as personal or corporate users (communities and enterprises) on the basis of an annual or monthly subscription (possibly on exclusive terms), with access to the customer service both directly and indirectly - within the framework of the solutions created by the user himself.

The interface for subscribers and end users can be implemented for mobile devices, portable and desktop devices, and for web browsers - with a user-friendly graphical interface or interactive (in the style of "chat-bot"):
• Web (prototype runs at, updates are coming regularly);
• Android (prototype exists, next update planned within a year);
• Windows / Mac (prototype exists, next update planned a year);
• iPhone (development within a year).

To collect and analyze information, the following communication channels can be used:
• Private social networks by API: Facebook, Google+, VKontakte (available now, with known restrictions);
• public social networks on "block-chain" technology: Steemit, Golos, Ethereum (available now);
• Other social networks with API access: (development during the year, where applies);
• Private social networks and Messengers, corporate systems and corporate e-mail (possible upon decision);
• SMS messages and e-mail on Android (development within a year);
• SMS messages and email on iPhone / iOS (more research is required).

For the development of the project, a technology partner or corporate user is being looked for the "pilot" implementation of the proposed solution. Possible next "road map" (the indicated terms of implementation assume co-financing with a partner or payment from a "pilot" corporate user):
• Now: Obtain profiles, structure of social connections and histories of interactions with partner / user access directly on the site or Web API in JSON format or as HTML reports;
• During the first year: Identifying sentiment in communications, building psychological models, identifying outgoing and incoming "threats", connecting other social networks, e-mail and SMS for Android;
• During the 2nd year: Implement the simplest forms of forecasting and recommendations, connect corporate and other systems, corporate e-mail, develop e-mail and SMS connectivity for iPhone / iOS.

Announcement of the latest release:

Video in English:


For the corporate case, does it involves spying on staff?

As long as people consciously publish information online on Steemit or Reddit for public use and employees of business entity sign paperwork to have their business-related communication traffic shared with business entity then using this information does not seem to be "spying". Of course, the legal regulations on privacy and personal data protection like GDPR have to be followed, like it or not.