Signs That You Need a Vacation

All work and no play; we get it! But working a five day or six day workweek without a vacation can have long-term health consequences that you don’t even realize. A study started in 1948 tracked female homeworkers all the way up until 1991 and found that those who took a vacation every six years or less increased their risk of a heart attack by two times that of homeworkers who took a vacation at least twice a year.

Whether it’s finally getting some vitamin D or avoiding burnout, you need to take a vacation this year before it literally kills you. Here are five signs that you are in need of a vacation right now.
1-Stuck in a Routine
Travel is great for many reasons, primarily because it exposes you to different multicultural experiences that impart different perspectives onto you. You might feel like the days are going slow, but the weeks are flying by. What kind of life is that to live?
Routines can run both ways. They can be beneficial to your efficiency as a worker, but determinantal to your creativity as an individual. Even worse, you run the risk of developing bad routines. Go out and get yourself a RV in Pennsylvania and take a surprise road trip to break your routine and take control back of your life.
Pennsylvania has beautiful mountains, forests and lakes where new campers can enjoy a vacation in harmony with nature, outside the noise of the big city.
These are some places where you could enjoy incredible days in your RV.
Image Credit: Management/BaltimoreSkiBob
It is located in the scenic Red Rock Mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Nestled among rolling hills and rich farm country, Whispering Pines is a friendly place to access to some of the most idyllic conditions for hunting, fishing and hiking in Columbia County.
LAKE IN WOOD RV RESORT, 576 Yellow Hill RD, Narvon, PA
Image Credit: Management
Lake InWood Camping Resort is a friendly place, built to suit the lifestyles of new campers.
Your camping vacation it will be filled with the kind of family activities you will enjoy and remember for a lifetime. Adults can enjoy the picturesque views and intimate setting of the lake-view terrace. Your kids will have adventures at two fun-filled playgrounds. The whole family will enjoy a refreshing dip in the Swimming Pool Complex.
2-You’re Isolated
If you’re starting to feel disconnected from your friends and family then maybe it’s time to prioritize some time with them. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or just work long shifts, it’s important to make time for other people. Don’t worry you’ll be doing yourself a favor too.
A tour of monuments and historical places in Pennsylvania is a good idea to share with friends and family. Visiting emblematic places that are an essential part of the history of the United States is a great experience.
Image Credit: John Patric Coby
Independence Hall is the birthplace of America. The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were both debated and signed inside this building.
The building was completed in 1753 as the colonial legislature for the Province o Pennsylvania and was used in that capacity until the state capital moved to Lancaster in 1799. It became the principal meeting place of the Second Continental Congress from 1775 to 1783 and was the site of the Constitutional Convention in the summer of 1787.
THE LIBERTY BELL, Philadelphia, PA
Image Credit: Larry W.
The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American independence, located in the Liberty Bell Center in Independence National Historical Park. It was commissioned in 1752 by the Pennsylvania Provincial Assembly from the London firm of Lester and Pack and was cast with the lettering "Proclaim LIBERTY Throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants Thereof", a Biblical reference from the Book of Leviticus (25:10).
Image Credit: ArrowVoyager/BradJill
Little Round Top is the smaller of two rocky hills south of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It was the key to the Union position at the battle where an unsuccessful assault by Confederate troops against the Union left flank on July 2, 1863, the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg.
VIRGINIA MEMORIAL, Gettysburg National Military Park, PA
Image Credit: Patty Hankins/Thomas B
The Virginia Memorial was the first of the Confederate State monuments at Gettysburg. It was dedicated on June 8, 1917 as a fitting tribute for the state that provided the largest contingent to the Army of Northern Virginia, its commander, and its name. Lee's figure, topping the monument astride his favorite horse, Traveller.
Below Lee are seven Confederate soldiers. The group represents various types persons who left civil occupations to join the Confederate Army.
3-Restless Nights
Despite being exhausted from work every night, you still struggle to sleep. That’s because stress and other underlying psychological conditions can affect our sleep patterns and make it more difficult to relax and sleep. That’s why you need to take a trip to the beach and just experience the soothing sounds of waves crashing against the shore to finally let go of stress and learn to sleep again.
Image Credit: Alexa Campbel/Jay Cassario
The ideal place to relax is Cape May Point State Park. You can interacting with nature. Exploring the flora and fauna of this beautiful place eliminates stress.
You can enjoy the beach, climb the lighthouse, see dolphins, turtles, otters, hawks, sea swallows and the migration of birds and monarch butterflies. Another attraction of the park are the natural walks of more than 1 mile through swamps, dune forests and ponds.
Even just the thought of a vacation can stimulate your mood and having you feeling good again. Imagine actually going through with it and visiting another part of the world you’ve never been to before?
If you still can not make a trip out of the country for your occupations do not worry, Pennsylvania offers fantastic activities like musical theater.
SIGHT & SOUND THEATRES, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Image Credit: Management
Sight & Sound Theatres is an entertainment company that produces Bible stories live on stage. Based in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Sight & Sound operates two theaters: one in Ronks, Pennsylvania and the second in Branson, Missouri.
Now playing JESUS, the musical stage adventure about the most famous person ever to walk the earth and the everyday people whose lives he changed forever.
Each year more than a million people from around the world come to experience these amazing stories. With over forty years bringing the Bible to life on stage.
5-Bad Habits are Developing
Finally, if you find yourself slowly developing bad habits to chase your blues, then it’s time to break the cycle. The best way to to do this is with a break. Refresh and rejuvenate yourself with a vacation away from your vices and your hometown to cool down and relax again.
ANGKOR WAT, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Image Credit: Vincent Ko Hon Chiu/sambath999
Angkor Wat is a Hindu temple, considered the largest religious structure ever built, and one of the most important archaeological treasures in the world, declared a World Heritage Site. Located 5.5 km Northern Province of Siem Reap, is one of the most important archaeological sites of Southeast Asia.
It extends over approximately 400 square kilometres and consists of scores of temples, hydraulic structures (basins, dykes, reservoirs, canals) as well as communication routes. Angkor, was the centre of the Khmer Kingdom between the 9th and 15th centuries.
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