Celebration Time

in #pedophiles6 years ago (edited)

Hey All,

I dont' condone violence although I do believe it's important to protect yourself but I have to say I was elated to read the headline that sick got stabbed during service.


These sick pedophiles need to pay for what they have done and continue to do and they need to live in fear and anxiety about supporting the Catholic Church and all it's brainwashing and control schemes.

I am a firm believer in our Holy Father, but these sick frauds do not represent my faith and instead use power and manipulation to trick us into believing they are Holy people. They stand up in front of the congregation and pretend to have special powers, and they want us to believe that they have a direct link to God. What a scam because we don't need anyone to connect us to our Father, because we can do that on our own.

They have done nothing but reek havoc in peoples lives and they steal and rape their way to the top.

It would be so great if everyone would confront these priests and discredit these sick fucks! I've had it with these so-called holy men being the worst of the worst and claiming they are Holy Men while attacking our most vulnerable and stealing their innocence.

These fuckers will burn in hell for what they have done!

I'm having a party tonight to celebrate this wonderful event!! What a brave soul, who confronted this sick pedophile.

I'm sorry if this offends you but these pedophiles need to be brought to justice somehow instead of just being moved to a different church, when they are found guilty of sexually assaulting our children. How would you feel if this was your child?