The Peace Academy with @aggroed and @isaria // Episode 18 Tonight! // MSP-Waves Radio (1hr from now!)

The Peace Academy with @aggroed and @isaria // Episode 18 Tonight!
PSYOPS refer to psychological operations which are used to communicate specifically selected information in order to influence people.
PSYOPS are designed to influence emotions, reasoning, and the behavior of individuals, groups, or organizations.
These psychological operations are not only conducted during times of war, but are strategically conveyed during times of peace as well.
The PSYOPS that occur during peacetime often present themselves as predictive programming, disinformation formulas, engineered events, and may even use Neuro Linguistic Programming.
This ultimately keeps us pitted against each other, rallying behind unnecessary wars, and blind to the Truth. These are a mega reason we can't have nice things.

Please Join Us For Episode 18 of The Peace Academy Tonight 8-9 PM EST!
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would love to join but must catch some zeds ! enjoy .. I'd like to add that PSYOPS is a powerful tool also used by corporations through the medium of PR. it's all around us and takes patience, zen and awareness, both of self and surroundings to begin to even be able to counter it in the most basic personal way. PR can be useful and educational when it represents positive forces and ideas in the world but more often seeks to influence consumer choices through selective statistics, conflated narratives and often outright lies. Fake news may be a popular throwaway term of recent times but it's been used for many years as a way of deflecting attention from the truth by many with things to hide. a recent poll suggested those on the right of politics have a tendency to share fake news a lot more than everyone else.. no surprises there then. PEACE ABUNDANCE LIBERTY
Listen, live, learn. Always Add Value to others and self in whatever you do - the rest comes natural...
@globocop Yes you are right , if we will give respect to others only then we will get respect back from them!
I agree with you guys!..
Truth is always simple. It is 0 OR 1, never 0 AND 1. EVERYTHING ELSE - just fickle opinions.
well appreciated, you have a good point
Keep supporting the minnows. Abundant blessings for you @isaria and @aggroed
Respect peace and love
excellent your post brother @aggroed...... i like your post....
Divide and conquer, every populist has a wolf to point a finger at.
thank you so much for all this info and the links are very useful i am amazed whats out there feel like been living under a Rock.
would like to resteem you post and will follow u to learn more thanks again.
greart post ♥♥ loved following you
thanks for sharing this post ...i appreciate your post..Best of luck ..