The Peace Academy with @aggroed and @isaria: Episode 17 Tonight on MSP-Waves and in PALnet! (9-10PM EST, 0200 UTC)

The Peace Academy with @aggroed and @isaria
Time flies! It’s hard to believe that we’re already up to Episode 17!
The goal of the Peace Academy is to find ways to incorporate Peace, Abundance, and Liberty into our own lives and within our communities, and @isaria and I have been hard at work creating curriculum for this initiative every week since the show’s inception.
Let’s take a look at some of the concepts we’ve discussed thus far:
Palnet Motto: Do no harm, but take no shit!
Self-care and inner peace
Using compromise and guidelines to achieve peace
Techniques for conflict resolution
Personal boundaries
Victim mentality
Emotional Intelligence
Assertiveness vs aggressiveness
Energy and Shields
Rules of Fair Fighting
Passive-Aggressive behavior
Healthy communication
Scarcity mindset vs abundance mindset
Government propaganda, corruption, and lies
The Non-aggression principle
There’s much more to cover, but sometimes it’s good to have a review to solidify concepts already covered before moving forward.
Looking forward to seeing you all tonight!
We also want to hear from you!
Be sure to join the audience chat during the show and let us know if you want to come on air with us!
As long as what you have to say is about Peace, Abundance, or Liberty it's fair game!
The Peace Academy is an initiative brought to you by The Minnow Support Project with the goal of finding ways to bring Peace, Abundance, and Liberty into our lives and our communities.
Please join us for Episode 17 of The Peace Academy this Saturday (Tonight!) 9-10PM EST! (0200 UTC)
You can listen on twitch-
You can join broadcast hosts in a special chat room on the MSP Discord Channel:
You can check out for more information

I really appreciate what you are doing dear friends @aggroed, @isaria.
Peace, love, abundance and freedom, simple words to pronounce, however very difficult to fulfill, especially moving to the world, where there are many interets created to break these beautiful qualities.
I wish you much success !!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks boss! My mom always told me to leave the world a better place than the one I found. This is that in action. I hope it helps.
I am from Indonesia 🇮🇩 @yasir123. I love ❤️ @aggroed.
Hey @aggroed I have recently voted for you for witness because I watched one of terry brocks interview's and he was interviewing you and I found you story as an entrepreneur is very inspiring and i look up to you so i hope you keep doing well.
On e more question i wanted to ask you do you think YouTube is a bubble like bitcoin and i made a post about it and I hope you think it cool and please leave your thoughts on it please keep doing well in life and I wish you even more success.
Everything, what we can do to avoid war and death. evil and discord among human beings we must support them.
Congratulations to our @aggroed witness, who is silent in all causes for peace and justice.
If that's how your mother raised you, a big hug for her.
Proud to tell you among my witnesses since I began in sttemit the website of the treasure, which we have inside .... rafa
Very cool! I caught part of the music show earlier but something came up and I had to boogie. I'll definitely be tuning in.
RATS!! I got all wrapped up in a new video and forgot to stop in time... I'll be there for the next one. I wish Gina bot would remind me 10min before you start. If you make a reminder comment on your most recent post and tag the title, will she bloop at me if I have the title saved in my settings? I'm still learning about that bot. Half the time she talks to me, I'm like, huh? Wha? I'll get the hang of it but it's kind of like this around here right now
I will support this project because the world needs peace...without peace there cannot be development. .lets embrace peace now.
Life like this
wow this is very nice subject... not onley our cuntry it is all over the world... cocacola is the gerat.....thank you very much
Looks so exciting! Well done :)
Right on.... Blossom while helping others.
Knowledge don't work alone ;)
that's very coool! @aggroed go ahead I wish you much success
Just seeing this for the first time
I'll do well to keep tabs on this space
Nice job
Feel free to check my introductory post
Alright very good actually the first to comment on your post.....hv always wanted this...voted and resteemed
Oh shit..i failed