# The Non-Aggression Principle // Part 2

in #peaceacademy7 years ago

The Non-Aggression Principle // Part 2

This can be a difficult principle to apply for many. Many of us adopt violent behaviors as we grow up. Sometimes violence is directed towards others as can see in various kinds of abuse. Sometimes violence is pointed inwards and we can be very violent with our self. Either harming ourself through destructive patterns of eating, health, cutting, smoking, drugs, or alcohol, and it's often accompanied by self verbal abuse or negative self talk: I'm useless, I'm stupid, I'm such an asshole, no one loves me, etc.

The application of this principle requires the abandonment of certain ideas that have been ingrained within many of us since childhood.

Ideas like:

  • War is a necessary evil
  • Violence and coercion are sometimes necessary
  • Blind allegiance to The State
  • Involuntary servitude, like taxation, is necessary
  • Other countries are our enemy or we are better than other countries

The Non-Agression Principle is not a specific list of rules or directions.
It serves as a moral compass to help guide us to the destination of peace and liberty via personal responsibility and individual freedom.

For some, it may be a shock to hear that The State is actually often in direct conflict of this Non-Aggression Principle due to the ideas listed above.

Violence, war, coercion, and involuntary taxation are all direct violations of the Non-Aggression Principle, yet we are raised to believe these things are right, just, and necessary. We're even indoctrinated to accept these things from the age of 5 as we go through public education. In many ways the public education system is a weapon of mass destruction teaching young people about their nation's exceptionalism or creating victims out of certain groups of people looking revenge for damage caused.

The goal is to teach peace as an alternative to violence and coercion. And it starts with a fundamental understanding of NAP.


‘Aggression’ is inherent in the ‘military model’ which is the organizing principle of most of our current groupings. Flattening, sharing and co-creating allows for true re-organization and a commitment of peace however requires neuro re-structuring on both the micro and macro level. One can start with daily meditation...

I think this is basically impossible for governments to act without violating the principle of non-aggression. This is because compulsory taxes are coercion, theft, and extortion. All these actions violate the principle of non-aggression. Taking people's money without their permission is theft. Any business regulation, permit requirements, government zone restrictions, anti-drug laws, restrictions on consensual actions are considered "immoral," etc. violations of the principle of non-aggression as they prevent people from using their resources justly obtained in peace in their way .

Awareness is the best way of human culture, violence make horrible moment, if you want to safe from them you should suggest all others person because only can't recover the problem, first need to passion

For avoid all the difficulties, we need to consciousness, doing study about yourself, and make a better positive, try to recover violence, for that before need to aware about your life, @aggroed

I love your insight here

The Non-Agression Principle is not a specific list of rules or directions.
It serves as a moral compass to help guide us to the destination of peace and liberty via personal responsibility and individual freedom.

The more we know about this, the more conscious we will become to strive towards Peace and love

Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.
Martin Luther King, jr

So, when I apply this principle—

a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation.

to this—

War is a necessary evil

This is what I get:

We should not retaliate against those who wage war against us or seek revenge. Nor should we start the war, even as a preemptive strike against what we determine to be a devastating or extinction level attack.

I'm in agreement that we should not start wars. I'm also in agreement that a war should not be entered solely as a matter of revenge or retaliation.

But I do believe in self-protection. So, while agreeing that war is not a necessary evil for the reasons stated above, I'm hoping this leaves room to defend ourselves against an aggressor. Which means, in my mind, repel the attack until it's no longer a threat, then stop.

If this was implied somehow, I apologize for missing it. If it's supposed to mean no self-defense, then I'd like to know what that's supposed to look like.

This is do no harm, but take no shit land. I'll all about self defense, but you can't self defend while occupying something that isn't yours.

Well said. Thank you for the clarification.

those who turn their swords into plowshares will plow for those who do not.

A well timed quote.

Such a strong and heartfelt article! I fully share these views. I'm very familiar with symptoms of aggression among the people around me. They are dissatisfied with their lives, but blindly believe the government, believe that their country is the best. Their lives are bad, but they deep down believe that the best of life they are not worthy, they are bad. And this internal aggression justifies any atrocities that they do. They believe their violence is justified. Because takeim way they supposedly kept their honor and the honor of his country.( or the countryside, towns, villages).

Non-aggressive behavior should and must always start at home. We must teach our children on how to appropriately react and handle different scenarios in life. Constant guidance and support is needed so we can teach them to spread love and peace all the time. :)

Thank you very much @aggroed! :)♥

We waste so much energy as human beings with this kind of behaviour, whether it's towards others or ourselves. I have personally been quick to put myself down on a regular basis, with feelings of worthlessness etc. If we all tried to follow the non-aggression principle, the world would be a much better place.

Really love this topic, and you are dead on when saying, the state is often in direct disagreement with non-aggression principle. In general, peace does not make the state money, enough money. Then when you start to add in that democracies across the world rent really that democratic anymore, it's easy to see why the world is in a constant state of fear. Powerful oligarchs pull the strings and must keep the status quo if they are to stay perched atop the throne.