A journey out of the matrix and into a world of love (Solutions Pt 3)

in #peace4 years ago

Hollywood has made a slew of movies about a dystopic future, where some great catastrophe, natural or man-made, has left society in ruins, struggling to survive, certainly struggling for freedom. Invariably there is an old dude who remembers the time before the catastrophe and reminisces. I feel like that old guy but just can't remember the catastrophe.

Boiling frog.

We have been in the pot for a long time, thousands of years, but since around 1970 they turned the heat up. Again you must think globally, not just about your country or part of the world. They installed puppets to lead all major world countries, whether dictatorships or 'democracies' and embarked on the final phase of their plan. Those who installed the puppets also own and control all of the worlds media - social, TV, print, everything. And of course Hollywood. And they own and control all of the worlds major corporations. We are fighting an unwinnable war. Except that united we are an unstoppable force.

Deep breath..... the point I am getting to needs preparation. Its a single word point, and has been thrown around a fair bit in these posts, but most people don't fully grasp its enormity.

'They' have been lying to us, controlling us, giving us fake narratives for ever. Their main strategy is divide and conquer, using tactics of politics, gender, skin colour, geography and religion to achieve that. But they are fighting hueman nature, which is inherently loving and cooperative, so they needed to change that. If you lived in the 60's or early 70's, did you trust your neighbour? Did you lock your house and your car? Did the neighbours have a key? Since then, everything is under lock and key, 24 hour surveillance, big walls, big fences, trust no one. And a good guess at the single word being trust is only just off the mark.

Why do we lock things? Why build a great big fence around you? Why spend trillions of dollars and use enormous resources to build up military capability? F E A R.

They have changed the fundamental core of hueman nature to be fearful! Instead of loving. Everything in the mainstream world is fear based. It is a constant barrage of psy-ops intended to make you fearful of other huemans. The current one is the grandest of all - we have all become bio-weapons! Fear me - I am a hueman bio-hazard.


OK back to the solution. But you must fully innerstand fear before moving on.

Many models for a revamped form of society have been put forward, many of them a money-free society. The most recent models call themselves RBE's - Resource Based Economy. Jacques Fresco started the Venus Project and attracted quite a following. My personal favourite was the Free World Charter (https://freeworldcharter.org/en). There are two fundamental problems with all of these models:

  1. none of them explain why the current model is so bad and why their model would not suffer the same fate; and

  2. none of them talk about Love

Every time I would point people to one of these, they would come back and say 'it all sounds great, but will never work'. Doesn't matter which model, doesn't matter the intelligence or experience of the person, the outcome was the same. Noble effort, will never work. Why? Because their life is fear based, and they believe that human nature is greedy and competitive. 100% of the people would say great idea, would love to live in that world but there are so many bad people that would cheat and/or be lazy, will never work. I always ask 'so do you know anyone who is like that - in such a world they would cheat and not cooperate'. The answer is always no, but they are sure that bad people are everywhere.

Some of the people I mention above are 'awake' to the fakery of the world. They know nobody died at Sandy Hook, 9/11 was an inside job, all wars are banker wars, but still the answer is 'won't work'. What to do? What to do??? Some answers arrive in epiphany, some via a long arduous process, and some were always there, but in your blind spot. When you finally rid yourself of all fear - all of it - ego as well - what do you have left? Yep L O V E. I made it out of the pot before it got too hot. Others have as well, but most not.

Imagine a world that runs on love! Details of my vision tomorrow.