A journey out of the matrix and into a world of love (Solutions Pt 2)

in #peace4 years ago

Often when you meet new people, after any initial simple greetings the questions arises "so what do you do for work"? It can be phrased more casually such as 'what do you do for a crust"? Quite a few years ago, roughly midway on my journey, I would ask instead "so how do you make the world a better place every day"? I did that because I realised that's what I did; I awoke to make the world a better place every day. And I came to that realisation because I discovered that a lot of people do that. By 'a lot' I mean a large number, not necessarily a large proportion of people.

It got me thinking about a correlation between what someone did for 'work' and their overall satisfaction with life, well specifically in their making the world a better place every day. Anyone who has deeply pondered 'the meaning of life' or questioned their purpose in this world will have plenty of thoughts on all this.

Why do people work? Today, for money. You need money, even if you don't like it; the ability to own land and be self sufficient is virtually impossible, and bartering and such is again is extremely rare. But in reality, life's not too bad; we have running water (poisoned with fluoride!), flushing toilets, electricity, food and wine from around the world and more. But at what cost? Pollution is rampant, the mother is suffering, 'progress' is causing deforestation and extinctions.

Why did people ever work? Do people like to work? Remember, 'you have been lied to'. About everything. Mostly about hueman nature. People love to do stuff, to work, as long as it is meaningful useful work, which helps them or others (the community) to survive and flourish. Even if it's hard work, dirty work, you feel great having done it. Now you don't want to work super hard super long every day of your life; that's where the community comes in. The system will have you believe that people are inherently lazy and unfair.

One thing we must always bear in mind is to have a global view, not specifically a western, English speaking centric view. We must study and learn the eastern cultures and history, and from Africa, from Polynesia, from South America. I have, and the solution is easy. Its actually the answer to everything but nobody can see it.

As I go on I want to recall points from my first series when i sometimes go 'doh!' I never covered that. We need to understand the 'boiling frog' syndrome. If you put a frog in a pot of cold water and turn low heat on, the frog will die. As the water warms up slowly it gets accustomed to it, and by the time the frog realises its in trouble the water is too hot to escape. This is exactly what has been done to huemanity.

History tells us that huemanity did great things; the Mayans, the Egyptians; that most cultures treasured the mother and lived sustainably. If the American Indians killed a buffalo nothing was wasted. Hunters and fishers globally innerstood sustainability; if they did not they would die.

As time went on, the concept of value and trade was invented. Eventually coins and money was invented as a proxy for value, but the coins themselves were gold or silver so had inherent value regardless. If you worked and got coins, you could spend those coins; if you stopped working you stopped getting coins. Your pile of coins would shrink as you spent them. Then along came banks, and fiat currency, and worst of all - interest. You could now work really hard, sacrifice your life to make your pile of money large enough to earn enough interest to not have to work any more. This is currently what many people aspire to do. As time has gone on, the banks have dumbed you down, indoctrinated you to covet money; to need money because you have no life skills to survive. Instilled in us the belief that mankind is lazy is untrustworthy - you need a big fence with big locks and security cameras everywhere. All the while the banks add zero value to society; only a drain on resources.

I will give away the solution now even though there is much more to discus and explore. How can huemanity continue to live and function and flourish with the benefits we enjoy without the downsides of pollution and such? What is this secret to utopia?

OK one more story first. We know 'they' are after ultimate control and enslavement of us. But what is the best way to control people? Control their food (and water) and you control them. Works for a while then efficiency kicks in and there's more than enough food. Force and violence (the domain of today's police) worked for 100's of years, but then after a few revolutions the citizenry armed themselves and so that was no-go. Well, its time to try emotions. What emotions can control people? Remember I am thinking on behalf of a psychopath. What about love? Lets try that! Along came the 1960's era of peace and love. But there are still wars to be staged and other evil deeds, its a big world to rule over. And when love stopped the Vietnam war, the experiment of using love to control the people was over. Forever. It became the era of fear. Oil crisis, Muslim terrorists, ozone holes, your neighbour all became agents of fear. Debt is a proxy for fear. No money mean no food, no house etc. Fear.

Did you see it? I gave you the answer already. L O V E

You and I knew that all along, in our hearts.

Work and live for love, not money.

Tomorrows post will get interesting. Trust me.