A journey out of the matrix and into a world of love (part 4)

in #peace4 years ago

Welcome all to the first few steps of our journey. I strongly suggest to read the first 3 posts before continuing here.

Quick recap: we have clearly determined our Values to guide our words and actions, we can question trust, truth and facts and are capable of proactive thought to discover new ideas and concepts. Regardless of one's background, knowledge and expertise, these 3 key elements make the journey more rewarding. That last sentence took 20 minutes to find the right word(s); one's journey to Awakening is going to take time and will not be easy, nothing can change that, but you want it to be as rewarding as possible for the time and effort.

So where to start? This is like the first sentence of a book; so much to say but stuck for a beginning. Ah ok got it, the beginning. Lets start by exploring the universe and see where that takes us. Always good to contextualise, so... how big is the universe and how old is it? What is our place in it? Fasten you seat belts... the universe is infinite, in all dimensions. There was no 'big bang', there was no beginning and there is no end. The big question is whether it is a complete infinity or incomplete. Illustrating: how big is the set of integers - counting numbers? Infinite of course, you can count as high as you want, but an incomplete infinity because the number 2.3 (and 123.718 etc) is not in it (technically it is called aleph nought). Feel free to research and discus, and/or continue to believe the big bang theory, it makes little real difference, but a substantial philosophical difference that will become apparent at some point in the future. Now the reason I believe the universe is infinite is because I can not imagine a finite one.

So how old is the earth? Its probably not infinitely old, but how old? And the sun? What is the sun? Although this is kinda hard core 'science' that goes beyond what most people know, its quite simple and enormously interesting to ponder and discus, as it forms the basis of much future discovery. As for age, we have no idea. History is 99% conjecture. What is the sun? Well it is not a burning ball of hydrogen fusion. It is a node in the electric universe, with electromagnetic connections to all the planets and to other stars.

There, we've taken our first delve into the unknown. I have made a bunch of claims of 'facts' that everyone can take away and research, if they wish. Happy to provide starting points for research and reference. All of this forms the deep basis for further discovery.

Lets time travel to just over a century ago, and meet Nikola Tesla. While he and his life's work could fill many books, in short summary goes as follows: a brilliant and ethical person, challenged the establishment and made incredible discoveries in electromagnetism. Wanted to spread free energy to world, inspired by the works of Roger Boskovich who in turn was inspired by the ancient Greeks, had basically cracked the mysteries of the universe. Now in a normal world, as you or I would have it, he would be a coveted hero and his knowledge would be shared for the betterment of all mankind. No such luck for him. He was deliberately sabotaged, bankrupted, ridiculed, ostracised, had his work stolen and was left to rot. In his stead they injected a fuzzy haired crackpot who's name is German slang for idiot, and his theory of relativity. And since that day, science has stood still. Major breakthroughs had been made every few years for 100's of years prior, but since the big E was presented to us, we have had none. Not a single major step forward. In the mainstream that is; amateur scientists world wide have been restoring Tesla's work and forging ahead nonetheless. Tesla gave us alternating current, which powers the world's grid today, and much more. His greatest gift however was a small insight, a simple quote: 'everything is light'.

Sure this is all neat and interesting stuff but how does it matter? Well in a few days we're going to discus topics such as life, consciousness, death, disembodiment, emotions, health, the heart, the brain, and 5g radiation among others, and this simple insight is a major foundation to truly understanding these things.

See you tomorrow.