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RE: PRESS RELEASE: Women's March on the Pentagon

in #peace7 years ago

Do you see the hypocrisy in what these organisations are doing? FFS can we stop dividing people into separate groups and actually unite as one large front that helps everyone? Maybe just call it an anti-war march?

All we hear constantly in the media is about equality and inclusion. If you hold a 'women's march' then you are by definition excluding a shit load of anti-war advocates, who may ironically feel excluded. Yes, that's correct. The same way that women want to feel included, we are now advocating for women only events? It completely defeats the purpose of inclusion and equality. It's the same Orwellian doublespeak, but from the opposite end of the spectrum.

The 1967 March was not based on any gender,
race or any other dividing lines ....


This march is a response to the absence of the war issue in the recent women's marches and, while it is called a women's march, not a single person is excluded here. If you read the press release, it clearly states that we "invite all women and allies to participate in the Women’s March on the Pentagon."

Historically, women have been an extremely large part of the anti-war movement. There is a deep history in women's opposition to war.

Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 10.26.03 AM.png

We are in agreement about women's roles in anti-war movements and activism. It is well known, and represented as you could see in that very short clip I posted. There were women present at the 1967 march, as well as members of society from all walks of life. How does that text you posted have anything to do with my comments? You have misrepresented my criticism of the organisation and the march. First of all, the organisers would get a 10x crowd at the march, if it wasn't 'perceived' as another DNC women's march that will be hijacked by establishment mouthpieces. Why can't the organisers understand this? Or don't they want to understand it? Perception and reality are two completely different things. #WomenMarch4Peace

Your comments were critical of the fact that this march has been titled "Women's March." My response is defending the fact that it is a women's march and pointing out that this does not exclude anyone from participating. The screenshot is evidence of the immense historical significance of women in the anti-war movement. Please explain how I have misrepresented your criticism when I am responding directly to your saying that a women's march is excluding people. If I am misinterpreting your criticisms feel free to describe them differently.

The organizers are clear. This march is in direct response to both ongoing U.S. aggression and the recent misdirected, hijacked women's marches that refused to acknowledge war. "This is not, nor will it turn into, a Get Out the Vote Rally for the Democrat half of the War Party. This is a principled call to action against the entire rotten Empire."

Please, by all means, go organize your own march on the Pentagon if this one is not good enough for you.

Sorry, but you are taking my criticism right out of context. You're not interested in REAL unity, and think you are immune to criticism. What can I say about that last sentence...I think it speaks for itself.