Pause and Reflect on your life

in #peace7 years ago (edited)


You need to pause and reflect over your life.

How the old woman at the pedestrian flyover saved my life.IMG_20180129_073135.png

None of us was used to what live throws at us. The thing is that we need to bend so we can blend with life and that's only possible when we take it slow and understand the lesson embedded.

In The last twenty-two months of my living, life has served me tremendous dishes of lessons and teachings. It was not an easy journey but today as the story unfolds, you will see how much change we need to undergo when life happens FOR us.

I have always been the type of person that try to accept everything thrown to me by everyone who I think are older, more qualified and better than me even when I knew the things thrown at me are not right. I accepted many things I would have rejected because I didn't want to offend anyone or get into anyone's shoe. I found it hard to say No and that has been my Achilles heel. Every time I didn't say No, something terribly bad is around the corner.

Every day of my life, I battled with my inner being; I wasn't happy with myself again even though I was the example of a happy person.
When I was in Coca-Cola, one of the managers nicknamed me 'enjoyment boy' but the truth was that every single day I come home, I was faced with a single question, 'All you have accepted, are you comfortable with it. Did you think of the future properly?' As I brood over these questions daily, my inner being tormented me so much. At times it caused me to react in a certain manner. I became bitter to some certain things and people without knowing I am actually my problem.

As the questions kept on coming without me taking action, life stepped in and happened to me. I was shook so hard that it almost seem the firmament was coming down on me. Everything around me seemed as if it was crumbling. I barely understood myself again neither did anyone around me. I was alive but I was living in a trance.

Just like in the movie, Real life time, I was running so fast to beat life at its game not knowing I was just running around in circles at a very unmeasurable speed but problem is, I was running around stupidly on same spot since esau sold his birthright. Life became hard, evil, dangerous and a mean blood sucking monster that didn't want the best for me, and that was exactly what I thought and felt about life until the day I saw the old woman climbing the flyover at ikeja Along. She would go two three steps, pause and continue again. There and then I remembered an Igbo adage that said, "Ùgwù mụta ịgbaji, ukwuu agadi nwanyị amụta eje keta a kwuru"
It simply means, If the mountain learns how weaken the waist, the old woman learns how to walk and pause.

That very day, I paused and began to think of me and life as a whole because I found out that situation was so eager to break me down. For the first time in two years, I found out that I have disconnected with God. As I got home, I sought to be connected with Him more, so I embarked on a six months spiritual awakening. Within three days, I began to get a glimpse of all that's happening to me. I had to pause all my social media activities and for six months I passed through a phase that transformed me into what I became now and will still become.

It's not the event that happens around you or to you that shapes your life but the way you are seeing them. As I began to understand that life wasn't happening to me but for me and for my good best, things began to take a new shape then came the purifying fire. It was when the purifying fire. The heat became intense but the truth was that life became more sweet and beautiful again as I passed the hurdles one after the other. Already there was "gang conviction", conspiracies but I already developed what I called the "spectator POV". As life throws more things to me, I sit aside and learn how to handle it.
I became transformed and that was how my transformation and transition came.

In the next story, I'll will elaborate more on some issues I know you may need clarification on but it doesn't stop you from asking questions.

I'm sorry this story is already becoming too long but I must share my story so humanity will be blessed.
It's never easy to go through the school of life without being burnt. The process is good for us to learn, unlearn and relearn.

As you go out today, in any situation, try to always walk and pause like the old woman.


Kenechukwu David