Super Tech News Apple Ryzen Intel Xbox Playstation 5 Tech Overview

in #pc5 years ago (edited)

Super Advanced Review of Today's News with the research papers see my
addendum video :

I watch all the news (and do the Home work) and you get the Goodies !!!
Advice on who to watch and who to avoid ...
Today we talk about what you should buy and why and explain some of those concepts you need to grasp to make A SOLID PURCHASING DECISION
A round-up of all of today's silicon candy and tell you where we are going...
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  1. Apple create new silicon and adventure forth boldly
  2. Intel and AMD build last decades news (floundering)
  3. Risc-V build your own CPU
  4. Nvidia RTX 3000 waste of space no real gains (and a power hog)