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RE: Entry For Pay It Forward Curation Contest : Week 20

in #payitforward6 years ago (edited)

hmm, i hope that vote is still over 0.019 :| it goes down fast when you do three in row :/, well i would be proud of me too sometimes, but its frowned upon here unless you're of the right caste :D

thank you /hug (well i dont know if that's allowed ... here you would just kiss someone on the cheek if you know them a bit to say hello , i almost did that with a muslim girl once lol OMG ... culture can be euh ... well anything from great to a reason for war i suppose)


Online hug is allowed😂😂 don't worry about that.. but in the real life, shaking hands or a pat on the back is fine. You are using the sliders right? When I have a chance to use it last week.. I'm so happy.. to vote many people with 0.01 at 50% and 100% to some special people.

:D ... a pat on the back would be considered intrusive here unless its someone you really know i guess , but considering the distance its online hugs only, that's fine then

busy has a slider if you're under 500sp but steemit shows it only when you reach "minnow" level (500sp), yes i use and i would more even , my vote would have been like 0.50 or more at price when i started out and it was 6.1 over 300SP ago , but now its 5.1 so i can only divide by 2 unless the post already has payout

its a bit of a system thats not explained : if your reward estimate shows 0.02 it can be anything from 0.015 to 0.024 and anything below a REAL 0.02 will not be paid
(thats the combined value ofcourse, i'm talking about the UI-estimate you get to see, its a bit deceiving, at first, months ago i thought my account was hacked and someone was stealing my rewards lol until i finally found someone to explain it) , im just trying to keep the balance, i wish i could divide by three and give more votes even if that means 0.02 instead of 0.03 (its not 0.03 anyway , at 50% right now its about 0.026, price dump is really bad and no idea who's keeping it that way)

the numbers :p

I got it 😂 my 50% value is 0.012345 😂 it will work on more than 0.03, but for a good post from fellow planktons.. I'd support them with 100%. Well... it's to encourage them. I saw your vote value on my posts/ comments.. and it's a "delicious" value for my growth😊 Thank you... and when my hectic weeks is over, I'll come back to a "comments battle" with you, because you know how to call a tornado in my head😆

take it while it comes :p if the vote gets over 0.06 i will probably spilt three ways so i can give more replies something, its a little bump but when you're starting out everything counts right, i checked on my script and it says

cat@cerebro:~/Documents/steemUX/commands$ ./wurdamoney.sh0 cicisaja

where did you get the number you have ?, this one is actually on the sbd estimate value when you are at 100VP voting with 100 weight so at the moment it might be a few lower decimals off lol
You do what you do, and when you feel the need to spill the beans then you do that, i say this a lot but i dont believe in "trying" , people should do what they do as it comes naturally (unless you're someone who never knows what to do lolol ... not really a problem i have, au contraire ma chère) its a teenage thing i know that but as a kid i was already trying to hack demos and program little games, this is the first time i can do something with it, my parents used to take away my computer when i didnt do my homework (because school is boring) so now zuckerberg has facebook

and i quit school anyway afterwards heh ... i have a masters in irony and my native language is fluent sarcasm

i totally understand mindstorms, its best to not fight them, just like demons, best to embrace them since they're part of you (well, that's for me ofcourse, people should go with what works or you end up frustrated right ? trying to be someone you're not, wasting all that time)
but i wasnt born like this :)

people should go with what works or you end up frustrated right ? trying to be someone you're not, wasting all that time)
but i wasnt born like this :)

You are quite a unique and full of confidence. I read it through your post and enjoy it. Well... I don't really understand what to do with slider except upvote the good content post that I like and I knew it will gave me a bit SP in returns😂 so.. will enjoy the delegation to grow my account.

with my vote i just upvote posts at 100% and replies at 50% , if it were a little more i would replies at 33% so i could do more if were double i could do some posts at 50% etc ... be careful with the voting because if you go over 50% ownvotes too much for too long you will attract scum like cheetah or sadkitten , bots that will start downvoting you because they have some kind of weird view on how it's done and no talent to create content of their own.
It's probably better in the long run to hand out half of it because some people will return (and others will just sit there waiting for a vote, then go on to the next one :) i have a set of accounts i check daily, i try to divide daily re-steem over that, with no special preference or prejudice but CONGRATULATIONS on the win :) , when you're back to the old sp you can always drop a spare vote at one of my distros for a chance to win something, doesnt matter if its 100% or 10% there until the fairness algorithm is applied. (its an open invitation lol, im not advertising, if people come they come if not they dont, it's set up to not cost me anything from my own reserves so it can just keep running wether i get votes or not)
how long does the delegation last ? a month ?

Actually I have 3 delegators, 50 will last in a month, another 380.. I don't know.. maybe until I can reach the 500 myself..😊 I wish. They said that they're creating minnow and it depend on me how can I optimize it.

Don't worry about self-vote😉 I stopped vote for myself since April when I joined the engagement leagues, because there's a good prize for the no-self vote account and then I learned that.. self-vote will work for me one day when I have more than 10.000 SP 😆 thank you @rudyardcatling for your information. Though my 25% still worth some value but will never use it when my VP above 80%.
