
oh dear , i'm not sure i am fit for digestion by the general public but thanks :) i'll take that as a vote of confidence from an unbiased mind tu.png

Hahahaha... that's so you😂

well i am who i am and that's all i am , that also who i want to be

someone is probably eyeballing me right now with a weird look because i dont jump at musing first moment i start typing today but i think if i'm going to "sit at a desk and try" , just because there's more to be had, whatever comes out wont be me :)

so i never try, i just do ... consequence is i only do what im good at and a lot of people who think i would make an asset get disappointed, even more so if they manipulate it , because i turn out to be

nothing that they want lol

hahahaha.. that's you who make a good and unique motto against the lobby I knew and so proud of you

hmm, i hope that vote is still over 0.019 :| it goes down fast when you do three in row :/, well i would be proud of me too sometimes, but its frowned upon here unless you're of the right caste :D

thank you /hug (well i dont know if that's allowed ... here you would just kiss someone on the cheek if you know them a bit to say hello , i almost did that with a muslim girl once lol OMG ... culture can be euh ... well anything from great to a reason for war i suppose)

Online hug is allowed😂😂 don't worry about that.. but in the real life, shaking hands or a pat on the back is fine. You are using the sliders right? When I have a chance to use it last week.. I'm so happy.. to vote many people with 0.01 at 50% and 100% to some special people.

:D ... a pat on the back would be considered intrusive here unless its someone you really know i guess , but considering the distance its online hugs only, that's fine then

busy has a slider if you're under 500sp but steemit shows it only when you reach "minnow" level (500sp), yes i use and i would more even , my vote would have been like 0.50 or more at price when i started out and it was 6.1 over 300SP ago , but now its 5.1 so i can only divide by 2 unless the post already has payout

its a bit of a system thats not explained : if your reward estimate shows 0.02 it can be anything from 0.015 to 0.024 and anything below a REAL 0.02 will not be paid
(thats the combined value ofcourse, i'm talking about the UI-estimate you get to see, its a bit deceiving, at first, months ago i thought my account was hacked and someone was stealing my rewards lol until i finally found someone to explain it) , im just trying to keep the balance, i wish i could divide by three and give more votes even if that means 0.02 instead of 0.03 (its not 0.03 anyway , at 50% right now its about 0.026, price dump is really bad and no idea who's keeping it that way)

the numbers :p

I got it 😂 my 50% value is 0.012345 😂 it will work on more than 0.03, but for a good post from fellow planktons.. I'd support them with 100%. Well... it's to encourage them. I saw your vote value on my posts/ comments.. and it's a "delicious" value for my growth😊 Thank you... and when my hectic weeks is over, I'll come back to a "comments battle" with you, because you know how to call a tornado in my head😆