
It's hard sometimes to tell, but as you see more and more posts you start to notice patterns like the words that make no sense at all. A few of them aren't a dead giveaway, but when something reads horrible like the point that much makes no sense at all then it's probably spun content.

To be honest I felt it was and posted in the judges room to see everyone's opinion. They agreed, but as it could have just been someone writing in a language they don't know well I figured it was worth checking with them. So it wasn't as obvious as some are.

One thing, people who are writing outside their normal language tend to stick to simple words. These are the same words someone with a lower level education would use even in their native language. So when odd words that don't make sense and are less used words get inserted instead of a common word it really raises questions about the post. Hope that makes sense. Just picture if you speak 2 languages how you write in your native language vs your secondary language which you don't know nearly as well.

They also tend to write shorter posts as the words are harder to figure out for them and sentance structure is more of an issue...not using random words that make no sense.

It's always a combination of things put together to see a spammer.

Don't feel bad, it happens and that is why your entry is considered valid. You can remove the link to the spammer if you want or let others decide for themselves if it's worth a vote.