I love my country.

in #patriots7 years ago


I saw this picture the other day and had to have it. So beautiful, so serene, so majestic. It represents the beauty that is my country, the United States of America.

I focus on this picture, because the other one I see on a regular basis looks more like a swamp.

Not a majestic swamp like the Everglades, no a filthy cesspool of human filth and corruption. This slime hole I speak of is filled with people called politicians, government bureaucrats, and their army of federal, state, and local officials. These people who swore to uphold 'the law' and protect and serve the public but only serve themselves.

I dream of a day when what's happening on the news is EXACTLY what's happening in the real world. I dream of my country being truly great, not just a pretty box with broken parts inside. I dream of the America envisioned by the founding fathers.

It's not a stupid dream, not if most everyone believes in it. Public will can change the tune of any symphony. When enough voices proclaim loudly enough that they will not consent, the others are drowned out and made irrelevant. Even if those voices come from "trusted" places.

Look at public sentiment right now, no one believes the mainstream press, nor should they. We have voices, and we are hearing each other. It matters not that government won't listen. It does not matter if CNN agrees with us. All that matters is that we are able to talk to EACH OTHER and decide for ourselves the outcome of our story.

I talk to real people all the time and am finding that 75% of the people I talk to in public are FULLY AWARE they are being BS'd by the MSM and government. That's 3/4 of people who KNOW they are being lied to on one level or another.

Nowadays there is a hunger for the truth like no other, and I challenge YOU my fellow patriots to expose what you know (anonymously of course) and rip the curtain back for all to see. We are past the point where telling the truth causes more harm than good. We are out of time to worry about feelings. We are close to losing everything.

The government has a "see something, say something" policy, and so should we. If you say you love your country then make sure you aren't holding on to information that affects the life and liberty of others. We are counting on each other to watch each other's backs.

May God Bless you and yours.