If you are patient and good at holding your heart for not being angry, then surely Allah will always be on your side, and Allah will always add goodness to you

in #patient6 years ago

Whoever the person is and whatever his education, if he is insulted in an inappropriate language, of course he will be offended, and still lucky if he is only offended, because there are some who are too emotional and end up with anger and revenge. Na'udzubillah

But, if you think more deeply wisely, for what is angry with people who really cannot be wise to regulate their verbal, because the more you are angry then it means you are the same as him, that is not wise.

Because what you should do is not need to be angry when someone is insulted, just be patient and calm, because your anger will only make you insult before God.

Patience, maybe that's what you should instill in your heart, and if it's hard to instill that sense of patience, then learn, because by continuing to learn in the end the heart will soften and will be easy.

Then when you ask why should you be patient? because with that patience your heart will be protected by hatred, which most likely will make you angry.

never take seriously the despicable words that come out of the mouth of the person who insulted you, if you don't want your heart to be afflicted with regret that leads to anger.

Because the more you think of his despicable words, the more crowded you will be, and certainly not a difficult thing for you to hate and anger.

You don't need to consider it important to say bad words, because the worse the state of your heart is when inappropriate words that come out of the mouth are allowed to enter your mind and heart.

Because your heart must be turbulent, so the feeling of wanting to reply with the same thing will always haunt, if your heart is left to hurt and angry.

Then what must be done so that the heart is not easily upset with anger when it is humiliated?

That is enough to keep your heart calm, by continuing to believe that God sees everything perfectly, and surely God will not remain silent seeing those who insult you.

If you are patient and good at holding your heart for not being angry, then surely Allah will always be on your side, and Allah will always add goodness to you.

Remember, when you are insulted and such, then your position when it is being tyrannized, then ask for anything that is good to Allah, because the prayer of the persecuted person is quickly answered.
