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RE: Path Of Exile | Exploring The Darkness In Delve 2019
I feel like darkness is the equivalent if underwater levels in games like Mario which are exceedingly frustrating and not as fun, but it seems like the rewards are worth it or could be worth it when getting further into the area.
Seems like youre jusr looking to use this area for farming or could it drop some equipment upgrades for yourself?
I could in theory use what is dropping to try and craft upgrades for myself. Crafting is very RNG even with the stuff that drops that allows one type of mod to be rolled like “fire damage” but not another. I just rather pay and have it be a sure thing.
It is entirely possible if I get deep enough that things I want can and do drop. It’s just very rare and I don’t expect it.
Upgrading is also a tricky thing since you want max resistance, I need dex, strength, and other stuff. You often times upgrade a couple of items so you can move around and retain what you want but still get upgrades. I’m also looking for stuff that could drop down there that does not roll with any of that but something else I desire. So just having the liquid currency and buying what I need tends to be for me the route I take. I know people still trying to roll a 6-link chest piece. I flat out just bought the one I wanted and went up by a fair bit of difficulty in content.
It can be if I get pinned down but for the most part is just pure fun and I enjoy the exploring and moving in and out of different areas. Most of the time I’m not even spending enough time going down a small tunnel or hole that I even have to worry about taking damage and getting killed. I can also drop a flare and I’ve have darkness resistance to prolong myself as well.
You never know if the dead end you are heading in will have nothing at all or your best item to date found. I’ve had a fair bit of luck down there.
I like you don’t’ have to be too far in to start seeing decent rewards. I’m at 120 depth and some will make it 1k. I doubt I’ll get that far or have the time. The kind of gear needed and just the knowledge of how different skills and items worth together is a bit beyond my acquiring and understanding. Gear progress is not so strait forward like in other games.