SLC21W3 // Elaboración de Relleno para pasteles

in #pastrychefs-s21w34 months ago

I am @kuhinoor From Bangladesh.

Assalamu Alaikum. how are you all Welcome to my blog everyone. SLC21W3 // My participation in the preparation of the cake filling. I am trying to make pastry cream with milk. But this is my first time doing it. Hope you like it.

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✓ ¿Usted ha preparado en casa alguna crema para rellenar sus pasteles? Cuéntenos su experiencia.


I made a milk cream. This milk cream I made like a pastry cream is delicious to eat. My original idea was that I would make cream to make a cake. So I had to improvise and I found a cream like pastry cream that could be a cream to perfectly fill. My cream is made entirely of pure milk, so I felt it necessary not to use any kind of messiness. But I have made a healthy cream.


✓ Elabore la crema pastelera (detalle ingredientes y paso a paso) e indique si siguió la receta que le proporcionamos o preparó su receta tradicional para relleno pastel.

I adapted the recipe I made for this occasion and made a version that I made today for the first time.

But it is same as the recipe shared in this course, but I have made some changes in it which I have made from my own experience, you will definitely like it.

I learned this recipe from my mom and I tried it for the first time today. But I hope I tried as much as you did. Everyone's personal recipe will vary slightly. But may not be 100% same.

The ingredients I used to make the milk cream.
1Milk1 kg
2Suger1 cup
3Fragrant Rice1/2 cup
4cardamom4 pic
5Sultto taste

prepared method.

I first added one liter of milk in the pot. Heat the milk in the oven for about 20 minutes. And cooling the milk does not remove the milk from the top.



Then add cardamom with milk. Add one cup of sugar. Slowly put it back in the oven. Till the color of milk turns red.



When the milk is warm and the aroma of cinnamon is felt. Then add cornstarch to the fragrant rice mixture.



Then it must be stirred well, stirring constantly to prevent it from burning or curdling. Keep it in the middle of the oven for five minutes, stirring constantly.



Then I transfer it to a glass bowl. I shape it while the mixture is still soft.




✓ ¿Qué fue lo que te causo mayor dificultad en la preparación del relleno?



It's not that much of a hassle method. I did it very simply but the steps I tried to show you. The cream needs to be very concentrated to prevent the cream from becoming lumpy or burning. This is a practical recipe that is easy to prepare. I made it without any major complications


✓ ¿Que ingredientes adicionales crees que se pueden agregar a la crema pastelera para darle un toque especial?


  • Well we all know page cream is quite a cream which is very natural and practical to use. Because you can make creams with different flavors and textures with it.
    I have used fragrant rice here. You can make dough here if you want. A light little vanilla flavor at night makes it even nicer. Using that you can use cloves and cinnamon if you want. Milk must be used because this cream is made in milk. Which usually produces a lot of aroma and a dry taste.
    If you want you can use chocolate with pasty cream here and make it by adding liqueur. It all depends on the dredger's pastry cream to be used.


✓ ¿Tienes algún consejo especial para la elaboración de la crema pastelera? Compartelo.


The most important thing when making pastry cream is the amount of ingredients, the amount of sugar, the amount of milk, the amount of cornstarch, the amount should be the same. And the fragrant rice mixture should be very smooth. The milk made from the ingredients should be thickened very well. It should be shaken repeatedly so that the top of the house does not move. And heat the sugar and masala together. After adding the fragrant rice mixture, it must be stirred well and the oven temperature should be kept on very low heat. So that it does not burn and does not become grainy. If it flies, the flavor of the cream will be lost. Patience has to be made with some patience.


I am inviting three of my friends to participate in this beautiful contest.,@eluustanley.@mujtabarabbani.

All pictures taken with my own hand phone Galaxy A24

Thanks reading my blog.

