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RE: Testing Partiko Front-End - Why people use Steemit or any similar Tribe front-ends?

in #partiko5 years ago

Your dark soul lol ! I'm not familiar with chromebook? But I'll assume you tried partiko on a droid..

I agree wholeheartedly that aside from preferences the major issue is it's a dead or abandoned project.. The last utterance from partiko was 2 months ago after I trolled them relentlessly at every turn. Finally someone came back with a slightly snarky yet overwhelmingly cryptic "we are transitioning" message..

Since then not a peep.. Maybe the dev is building a mobile dapp for Dan at voice 😂!!!

If the awesome and approachable team at steempeak would just roll out a dedicated mobile version I could stop bitching and moaning about what is from my perspective one of the biggest failings of steem. Not having a smooth n fabulous mobile app in 2019 for a, supposedly innovative technology is extremely concerning and would be a red flag for any and every investor or mass adopter alike.. If I were Trump I'd tweet "steem has bigly blown it, I don't like decentralised stuff because I can't figure out who to fire, SAD! "

Posted using Partiko Android
