Steady Legs

in #partiko5 years ago

Steady Legs
By A.T.Myrie

Take a deep breath
Let air seep in
Filling you with oxygen
Sustaining the life within

Now, let it out
Along with toxins and pain
Exhale the monster
That slumbers inside veins

You are not alone
But your demons you can’t share
The burden is just yours
And no one really wants it,
Even if they truly care

Be brave in your skin
Let steady legs keep
You from toppling
Into the blackness that is there

Find your bravery
And wear it like a shield
Every breath is a victory
As it means you can heal

Not perfectly, as that is an illusion
But with jagged imperfections
Sewn together to take you forth
On steady legs that refuse to buckle

No matter the obstacle, they plant firm
Showing you your hidden courage
That continues to fight and burn

Written October 1, 2018
@ Matsue, Japan

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Very deep and penetrating message. I can feel this one within.
2020 will be our year


Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded