[ANN] Spirit Token--Leading Hybrid Token– Detailing Services
What is SpiritCoin Money?
Spirit Coin bills its self as an Hybrid coin ( Utility, Payments, Asset Token) on Ethereum blockchain for use anywhere in the world and be used to make instant and real value payment on the internet and in the real world using secure open source applications that runs on the Ethereum Blockchain.The world we live in is a spiritual world, and it’s been said that the spirit controls the physical. Whatever that happens in the physical, has already existed in the spiritual realm. We are in to build an eco-system for true realization of one’s existence, Discovering ones true nature, Intensifying ones devotions to their social creator or Creations. SPIRIT Token Max supply is 84,000 ONLY.
Website: http://spirittoken.net
Token ID: ERC20
Link at etherscan.io : https://etherscan.io/token/0x92d7a89405ea3cc605a467e834236e09df60bf16
Blockexplorers: https://ethplorer.io/address/0x92d7a89405ea3cc605a467e834236e09df60bf16
Token Name: Spirit
Ticker: SPIRIT
Precision/ Decimal: 18
Max Supply: 84,000 ( no additional tokens can be added to the supply )
Telegram: https://t.me/spiritcoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/harotbox
Github: https://github.com/miitspirit/SPIRIT