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RE: Is it wrong to homeschool my kids..

in #parenting9 years ago

I was home schooled up until the 8th grade, and now that I'm an adult I wish I hadn't been. I feel like I missed out on a lot of practical social skills and behaviors and feel it's hampered my quality of life as an adult (I have a hard time relating to people beyond a surface level). It wasn't like I was totally isolated either, as we were involved with a couple homeschooling groups, though they were quite small now that I think about it.
If I had to do it over again, I would prefer if we had been involved with the homeschooling groups, as well as other groups not associated with homeschooling (band doesn't count! Band kids are weirder than home school kids...).
Regular repeated exposure to the same people gets you nowhere. Keep it fresh and exciting I say!


Lol yeah I know what ya mean.. my dad told me I had to quit football and join band in 9th grade, but I was more worried about impressing the girls.. probably would've been better off learning an instrument tho :/