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RE: Autism Spectrum Disorder: Pre-Diagnosis

in #parenting7 years ago (edited)

As an undiagnosed High functioning autist, I kept my mother on her toes. In the third grade, I challenged my school principal to prove that he was qualified for the position. He presented me his doctoral thesis, had me read it and comment. I responded, after reading the thesis, "I guess you'll do." Of course, he pressed me to see if I understood what I had read, and was amazed that my comprehension of the paper was superior to that of many of his staff. Of course, my mother was called in; they immediately had me tested to determine my reading comprehension level, and determined that I was "smarter than a Fifth Grader."
That same year, I was taken to the principal's office for calling someone a nigger. (This was 1972 in the South.) The principal, now familiar with my command of the English language, probed for additional information.
The boy that I had called a nigger was spouting racial slurs and white supremecy epithets regarding his fellow students. I noted that he had bothered to complete his school work for at least the last month, and advised him that his behavior met the definition. He did not respond with the gratitude that I had expected, but instead, with a swift right fist to my face. The Teacher who witnessed the event felt that I had deliberately provoked the response and sent me to the Principal's office without explaining that the child I had offended was white. Another call to my mother.

I have many other stories of my encounter's with humans as I was growing up, but These illustrate the point that so long as you are patient and attentive, your son will turn out just fine. It's those inferior "Humans" about whom you should worry.


Oh, I have every bit of faith in my son. I was called to the bus because my son said the word, peepee.... He said he was talking about eevee from pokemon. I took my son's side because he doesn't say peepee, he says penis. I have a few more trials I'll be posting. including his first autistic episode, but so far, he's reading at a 5th grade + level, and his comprehension is good, but they can't get it tested since he won't focus on the tests. ^.^ Schools have come a long way from when we were kids.