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RE: Is it wrong to homeschool my kids..

in #parenting9 years ago

Hello Susan. I was not speaking about you, personally, or your skills as a public educator. The book I mentioned above by Peter Gray talks about how humans learn through play and not, necessarily, through the education system we have now.

My personal view is that public schools were built on the Prussian model of education, designed to create obedient factory workers. I have very strong feelings about state-sponsored education because the worst atrocities in human history were carried out by those who were indoctrinated to follow authority. IMO, children are successfully educated in spite of the time they spend in school, not because of it.

I'm sorry if my views came off as a personal attack, as that was not my intention. I do think there are amazing teachers working to help others even though they are working in a system that is (IMO) fundamentally broken. I'm sorry if my perception is shocking to you, but I don't think it's without some basis (again, see Peter Gray's work).