Indoor Mini Zoo After the Play Area ( JAJA Twins )


You know, one think with kids, no matter how many places you take them it is not enough. Last Saturday we took the twins to a department store which had a play are and mini zoo. We went to the play area first and spent a good hour and a half there.( I will post those pics next time).

After the play area we went to sit in a lounge area only to realize that this department store has a mini zoo ( how thoughtful of them.....)

Zoo Time!

The boys loved the chicks, its a pity they couldn't handle them with a little more care. Kamar basically threw one of them back in the pen when it was time to move to the other animals.The boys kept coming back to the chicks, each time getting a bit more caring.


The Snake

Surprisingly none of the boys wanted to touch the snake much less put it around their necks. I actually wanted to but..... not today. It was a gorgeous snake though looked like a Boa.


Turtle Power

Kamar had a blast holding this guy. Surprisingly he didn't stink.
There were a few other turtles an tortoises around, but this guy was the right size to carry around.


For some reason they made the boys put on gloves to touch the hamsters. I guess their fur can be itchy. They were so cute.

We couldn't touch these guys. They are fast and would run away probably. I think they were field their stripes. He was busy eating a bit of veggies.


And hear we have a very tame owl.The boys were afraid of him. He was very comfortable around humans.


And the strangest animal award goes to...... this thing. What do they call it?


To end it off we went for sushi. Boy oh boy do the boys love Maguro ( Tuna ). But of course their meal wouldn't be complete without some chicken.


See you next time!