My son is just two but he amuses me a lot!
Here in UAE, we seldom play outside the house.
During fridays, it is family day for us. We always go out for church.
Most of the time we just go home directly and rest. Some times when we feel that he needs a day out, we give in to his request. He usually likes to go to the park and play but since it is already summer here, we just go to the mall.
Three months ago, I bought this card at fun city delma mall for 99 aed, he can play unlimited in the play area for 3 months at any mall that has fun city, fun works or fun ville. So here we are today spending time with this little tike.
Of course we go for his first stop, the slide, since nobody is around.

Play time brings so much joy to all kids. It helps them to naturally develop their physical, mental, social and language skills.
Well, I cannot help sometimes to be overly protective seeing a lot of big kids who don’t even bother of the small ones in front of them. But I was surprised with my son when an older boy pushed him down the slide because that boy wanted it to be his turn. When my son was down the slide, he waited for the boy to slide down, then he hit him on his back. I was not proud of what he did, but what I realized is my son is a type of kid who won’t just let it pass. At least in his own way he was able to protect himself.
Then I asked him “why did you do that?”. He answered, “he pushed me. I did not fight him.” I told him you don’t have to hit him just tell him it’s not good. He answered back with a big NO! I know it is too early for him to understand it but I wanted him to learn as early as now that it is not always good to fight even if he was not the one who started it.
I am a believer that if you keep instilling good values at early age even he does not seem to understand it well right now, he will remember it as he grows.
Spending time with kids is such a precious and fun moment at the same time.
All photos taken using my iPhone