Interacting with Low-Vibration Entities

in #paranormal8 years ago


When given the opportunity, low-vibration spirits and
parasitic astral entities encourage humans to generate low-vibration
energy to be used by the energetic entities. But, according to
interviews with Zeta extraterrestrials, unwanted approaches by such
entities may always be deflected with love. Further, it is argued that
a falsehood communicated telepathically is easily understood to be
false. However, when a fact is transformed to physical speech
symbols via a medium, it’s validity is not as easily detected.
Therefore, depending on it's state of love, a spirit's words uttered by
a medium in trance should not be accepted uncritically as true.

The supernatural is commonly associated with spirit beings such as
angels and demons. In various traditions, such as the Judaic and
Islamic religions, benevolent angels are held to be messengers from
God that may appear in visions. Angels are also occasionally
credited with protecting individual humans from harm during
hazardous situations. But religious beliefs and cross-cultural folklore
and mythology also espouse the existence of disagreeable or
malevolent spirits. For example, human psychological abnormalities
such as multiple personality disorder may be attributed to demon
possession. The idea of possession by evil spirits is reinforced in
some cases by poltergeist phenomena, the display of physical effects
with no apparent cause.

Belief in evil spirits can intrude on our search for knowledge in spirit
realms. For example, in mediumship séances where mediums “bring
through” messages from spirits of deceased loved ones, there is
often concern that negative entities may come uninvited to create
havoc. A medium usually develops a working relationship with a
spirit control who manages the séance from the “other side”, and this
helps to alleviate this concern. The human circle leader opening the
séance process will often say a prayer to God or loving spirits to ask
for protection from harmful entities.

Prayers for protection may be beneficial, but the effect of such
rituals should be considered in context. In our physical realm, we
have natural laws such as the law of gravity that govern cause and
effect. In the energetic realms, the environment is manipulated by
the intention of a being’s consciousness. Any protective effect of a
prayer ritual must operate in the context of the natural laws that exist in energetic realms.

A related issue is the likelihood of deception in the energetic realms.
Can an argument be made that a spirit may communicate falsehoods
in some situations?

Issues such as these are addressed from a theoretical perspective
based on a cosmology that underlies causality in the energetic
realms. The cosmology was described by extraterrestrial Zeta beings
via the medium, Paul Hamden. It teaches us about the nature of the
energetic environment, and so helps us discover how best to interact
with entities that exist within it.


Energy Vampires - suck the energy out of you. The more sensitive we become, the more selective we are with who we hang out with. You have a new follower, by the way :)

Finally someone taking this seriously.

Followed back.