Paranormal Researchers Applying Parameters? Yes.

in #paranormal6 years ago



Seen an interesting video, and wanted to share it. During this conversation, the speaker said something very profound.

"When I was researching, I set parameters. I wasn't willing to research certain things." (Paraphrasing here)

I see this more often than not. Rather than allowing the research lead you, some have preconceived ideas and attempt to fit the information into the desired final result.

I have always been interested in the paranormal, and I think this still pulls me. One of the reasons I write novel's and non-fiction on the subject. There is a void in everyone that needs to be filled. This can easily be filled by the paranormal. Research has shown materialism is failing us and not making us happy.

Due to this failing, paranormal and spirituality will be required in the attempts to fill the void. But don't think a church will fill the need. Many are leaving the churches as well. A PRRI Survey (2016) showed 60% – stopped believing in the religion’s teachings."

This writer explains she left the church in pursuit of good deeds.

The top reason someone leaves the church?

Shallowness according to one research. Think about that, when you are sitting in the pew. According to that article, one-third call church boring, about one-fourth say faith is irrelevant and Bible teaching is unclear. One-fifth say God is absent from their church experience.

Personally, I would add churches not providing the answers to questions posed by the audience.

Back to the paranormal.

The paranormal provides something more tangible. Some psychologist believe the belief in the paranormal is a defense mechanism while others believe it's the power of suggestion.

However, having experienced events of the paranormal, I find unbelievers a bit dismissive. There are just too many occurrences to close your mind to something. By definition, Paranormal is a phenomenon beyond the scope of scientific understanding. This line of understanding is narrowing, thanks to advancement of science and the understanding with quantum mechanics.

Much like the 67 % increase in UFO sightings, paranormal activity is on the rise. One poll showed three in four Americans profess at least one paranormal belief, and 42% of Americans believe that "people on this earth are sometimes possessed by the devil."

Since so many believe in this phenomenon, it begs to question the source of said phenomenon. I go back to many researchers applying parameters in their studies. While calling themselves researchers, they will choose which to review and ignore. I recall a documentary of a young women having dreams of living a past life. The documentary followed her travels to India and in search of reincarnation and having life before now. What struck me is a priest proposing the idea of demonic influence to provide those memories to her. She dismissed it immediately, without any follow-up. For me, this immediately discredited her findings. Not due to her outcome, rather her willingness to look at the full spectrum.

What I find more fascinating is how some instill these same parameters involving the paranormal. If it doesn't fit the mold, then it's ignored.

This morning, someone suggested I like an author's page (which I did) that lead me to a paranormal podcast. I viewed some of their videos, and they appeared to need more callers, content. Reaching out, I was surprised of the outcome. The issue is not being declined (had that happened before, due to genre is not the same as the provided platform). I found provision of no reason a bit confusing. Anyone else had this experience?




My point in this post?

I personally believe everyone is on their own journey. We get sidetracked with time loss activity, but ultimately somewhere in everyone's soul, they desire to learn and understand. My concern is those pushing ideas without a) conveying their audience to fact check or look themselves, and b) missing out on a great learning opportunity if they call themselves researchers, yet apply parameters to limit their view.



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