Look at the hero's face!

in #paramedic7 years ago

Regular doctor regular ambulance from the village Dolgoderevenskogo. Probably not even a doctor, paramedic. He was on a call, his grandmother's blood pressure was measured when he was sent to a car accident.

Here, you think about it, a simple ambulance and a bloody mess on the track. What else is wrong in this country?! One, no assistant, no nurse.

It's hard to even describe the details. However, he was not taken aback. Using what is in the standard set of medical briefcase fought for the life of the patient. Tore all the gloves, there is torn metal everywhere. I was running around in cars, picking up gloves in first-aid kits.

When rescuers arrived, he accurately commanded them. Those are some inexperienced, began to cut the metal in exactly the wrong place. The paramedic ordered to cut here, bend here and pull there. The victim got.

The resuscitation team arrived only in half an hour.

A paramedic several times shouted: “Where's the emergency room? Call us!” I called, times 5 in 112. I clicked on the Manager, she justified that she had a connection with the ambulance only on the phone. She said to dial 103, she'll let them know I'm calling. The emergency Manager, not putting the tube and shouted into the radio: “Siren-10, where are you?” Heard replied: “the arrival”. That means very close.

The accident happened at 17: 30. Resuscitation arrived at 18: 25. Almost an hour. Simply, the managers did not send it immediately. First a simple emergency room, like a normal migraine. Although they were clearly told about the severe victim.

By the way, the police arrived also only an hour later.

Here, tell me, people. And how and where to send the application for the award of this guy? Now that I'm writing this, he's probably still on shift. The regional Ministry of health, I hope, will read this publication? To celebrate! At least gratitude. Or a little bonus. In any case, someone should tell him: “Thank you for your service!”

P. S. the Name of the hero Alexey Sergeev. Journalists immediately found him.

let the whole world know Alexei