
Sungguh mulia hati orang-orang yang memiliki kesadaran terhadap lingkungan disekitarnya. Merehap atau membenahi bangunan dan melestarikan budaya adalah ciri-ciri orang yang berjiwa sosial, dalam sisi lain membangun gedung atau panti untuk anak yatim adalah tugas mulia. karena Segala sesuatu datang dari niat hati yang tulus, maka baik sekali hasilnya. "on the other hand building a building or orphanage for orphans is a noble task. because everything comes from the intention of a sincere heart, the results are good. I hope that the Government will implement its policies on the basis of management that effectively meets the terms and conditions applicable to social, economic, political and cultural justice. please give your best voice and appreciation to our friends who have the soul of the knights in building the nirmala orphanage orphanage." tanpa memandang bulu maupun kulitnya. Wah panjang lebar saya mengomentari status anda pada malam ini ya @macanselawah, 😁 hehehehe, salam saya @nandafakinah dan juga untuk
please support all my friends 🙋 🙌 🙏

I invite my friends, friends and relatives to jointly make a donation in the form of votes and rewards from steemitbord for @macanselawah who have been willing to work hard to erect new orphaned buildings, to be used by orphans who will function as supporting welfare orphans. 🙆