Why The Sun Is Drawn With A Face & Polytheism

in #panpsychism7 years ago


Above is an image of a Incan man praying to the sun. In it the sun is depicted as having a face. The Incans called the sun by the name of Inti. Children have often drawn the sun with a face. Rupert Sheldrake has speculated that the sun is drawn with a face because the sun has a consciousness, personality is the essence of consciousness.

Some forms of scientism have depersonalized nature to the extent where only humans are seen as persons, the ancients saw that everything has personhood and consciousness. The sun was a being, the earth itself had consciousness is a being known as Gaia or Prithvi. A being which we are all a part of, and since we are all interconnected we have to be careful of what we think and say even if what we are thinking or talking about is a great distance away.

We have a social responsibility for what we speak and think, due to our interconnectedness we affect everything around us.

Some people have claimed nature has been desacralized by cartesian dualism and the industrial revolution, the way to resacralize nature is to simply see everything as being alive, including machines.

The idea everything has consciousness is called panpsychism, it is interesting that both panpsychism and pantheism have the word Pan in them. Pan is the god of nature.

I am a polytheist. I believe everything and everyone is a god. I believe everything and everyone has full and total power over the universe. I believe everything and everyone has existed for eternity. Our very bodies are made out of the universe which has existed forever, the universe is uncreated it has always existed. I believe there are as many gods as their are beings and I believe even mountains are beings. All is worthy of worship. I believe that the universe is only one entity if it is seen as one entity but if it is seen as many entities then it becomes many entities. I am a catholic and I believe the saints are the gods of Rome.