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RE: CPS... Replacing Good Parents With the State

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

I didn't even read all your blabbering, the fact remains that over one thousand kids die each year at the hands of their parents. We could ask Lori Vallows kids if anybody knew where they were at and if they were still alive what they think of your opinion....or maybe the two infants that died, one just in the last couple of weeks here, this past winter along with the more than half a dozen who have died as infants in the last year and a half in and around my area....all at the hands of their parents and/or a parents boyfriend who in all the parents know right wisdom granted by you above entrusted these little babies into the hands of barbarians.


CPS 'Lost' 1500 kids last year, after removing them from their parents...they are just Gone! For every child they help, they harm a dozen. They are selling children, and sadly young organs!

May GOD forgive us for allowing this to continue, and not protecting our children from our government!

Right now the 'barbarians' are much safer for the kids, than CPS, read, and you will see this is sadly true, SMH!


CPS 'Lost' 1500 kids last year, after removing them from their parents

I am sure that wasn't 1,500 toddler or very young children versus teenagers who have been neglected and abused by their family status and are unruly and runaway from what is the normalcy
of what a traditional family home looks like. It's rare but it does happen where you see an article where adults intervened when seeing toddlers walking out about themselves without supervision...but I have yet to see it linked to foster parental neglect so much as connected to immediate parental neglect.

They are selling children, and sadly young organs!

Maybe in some third world country shit hole.

No, sadly this is happening HERE! They sell children for snuff flicks, then sell their organs when they have their video. Those responsible for the monsterous treatment of kids today, need full prosecution!

CPS, is a malignancy; that must be cut out. Replace it with a church based organization, or a very monitored non profit!

The problem exists, but the CPS orginization is a MUCH larger threat to our children!

Right now, we ARE the third world shit hole, may GOD have mercy!
