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RE: An Idea: Term Limits and Pay for the U.S. Congress

in #palnet5 years ago

I like the ideas. I would drop the house down to only 4 terms. In 12 years if you can't move into the Senate next then you can run for local office in your state. I really like the idea of the 3-year term to get them off-cycle with the president. One side effect thought might be that the presidential election is a bit of a lame duck. If one side has the house and senate and they can't lose it would people of the other part show up to try and put in a president that has a congress that won't work with them? Also, the pay idea is interesting but they can get so much outside money not sure it will do what you hope.


I want all government to be lame duck haha. This means they will create fewer taxes or potential taxes. They do get outside money, but that is where we need to look at lobbyist influences.