Mark Zuckerburg has directed his minions to a new level of censorship on the Facebook Platform!

in #palnet5 years ago

Facebook has moved to a whole new level of stupid! This new low surprised even me, they are now censoring Private communication made through Messenger. PRIVATE? Apparently not! Since they are intended to be between two individuals, and no one else; the fact that facebook feel the need (and the right) to step in, and censor this personal communication!

Image from article:
How can anyone be so anal, that they censor Private Messages?

Article on Facebook Tyranny:

We knew that Facebook was desperate to keep anything remotely Christian, right-wing, or generally dangerous to the leftist status quo far, far away from their massive social network, but even this shocks us.

The censor-happy Thought Police over at Facebook are now censoring private messages in a move that completely destroys any final claims they may have to neutrality or the protection of free speech.

WHY is anyone still using this service? They are full on attacking Conservatives now; and they think they have some moral high ground on this! It is Ironic that all tyrants, want their victims to kiss their backside; while their boot is on their victim's necks....

This is insane.

In a screenshot posted to The Donald Reddit forum entitled, “THE DYSTOPIA IS NOW. Facebook censored a PRIVATE MESSAGE I sent because it has a link to Jordan Peterson’s Bible Lecture Series” this insane new standard is exposed.

The user in question had attempted to send a link to a video of Jordan Peterson, the renowned and controversial author and psychologist, to his friend via Facebook’s Messenger.
Where the link should have appeared in the PM, instead appeared the Orwellian warning, “This message was removed because it includes a link that goes against our Community Standards.”

This is one of the reasons I fired these people! Apparently, my page is still there, even though I can no longer reach it myself, BUT I am sure that they still Censor that page! The only positive thing they have ever done is to drive me to the blockchains.

Big Tech “community standards,” of course, whether on Facebook, Twitter, Facebook-owned Instagram, or Google-owned YouTube, are incredibly vague and malleable and have much more to do with protecting the feelings of leftists than anything else.

Since they have the understanding of Forrest Gump, I don't really care what they think! What they like that is NOT stupid, is offensive; and what is not offensive, is illegal! What a bunch of idiots

“Facebook appears to have a clear bias against biblical discussion,” Paul Joseph Watson writes for Summit News.

As we previously highlighted, the company banned a peace-loving quote by St. Augustine of Hippo, a Catholic theologian and philosopher, saying it was “hate speech”.

In addition to blocking links that contain thought crimes, when Facebook suspends a user, it also prevents them entirely from using its messenger function.

I must understand that since they are Minions of Satan, Christian posts are against their "Standards"; and the fact that they don't like them, is actually a compliment!

For many people, Facebook messenger is their only means of communication with friends and loved ones, meaning that if an emergency were to occur and the user was suspended, it could actually result in real world harm.

ALL Conservatives and Christians need to DUMP these Social Media platforms immediately! They are using our input, to destroy our own core values.... I refuse to allow them to mine my personal information, so they can block my opinions, and call me names!


I just shack my head.

Posted using Partiko Android

Every time I rhink the hit bottom, they find a way to go lower!


Upvoted by @aagabriel for having similarities to the #informationwar tag, posts like this anyone can add the tag #informationwar so we can more easily find and upvote them! (by @aagabriel)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation, and Liberty. We are a peaceful and non-violent movement that sees information as being held back by corrupt forces in the private sector and government. Our Mission.
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Ways you can help the @informationwar!

Thanks for the Upvote @aagabriel I continue to be amazed at the arrogance of FB, and the ignorance of those still using this social media stalking platform!

It is repugnant that on top of this abuse, they also steal personal data, and sell it!


That's unreal. I sent you a Protonmail email in case you're interested.

That's good, THEY don't censor....
