Splinterlands Daily Quest || SCOT Rewards
Hello Steem users
Today's quest was with Life Splinter and as it seems it was not that difficult to complete the quest.
While after few attempts it was quite close to victory and seems like it was well worth it. Not that bad from my point of view as it was drought for myself in the last couple of days, in my daily quests lol jk.
I leg card = 1500 DEC
1 Rare = 300 DEC
1 Reward C. = 15 DEC
1 Reward C. = 15 DEC
Of total 1830 DEC which according to Steem-engine is worth 9.6 STEEM. Well not that much but yeah for a little time it is indeed worth it. Not selling them or burning them atm but upgrading them for now and let's see how it really goes.
According to Steem-Engine the price of 582 Neoxag is 12.2 Steem. While as the other rewards are little less and compared to the Steem price not that much so skipping them for now.
Note: This are balance of my account of @rehan12 and as per just posting the rewards are coming to this account and as for curation rewards I am receiving my curation rewards in my other accounts (@rehan.spt, @rehan.pal, @rehan.leo)
Note: Images taken from Steemmonsters (few edited by me)
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Congrats for dragon card..
@rehan-ag, Congratulations and for sure for that effort you've received effective returns and wish that you will going to have prodoctive journey ahead too. Stay blessed brother.
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