Splinterland’s Season Rewards 11/15/2019 Late
Hey everyone! It has been some time since I last posted (approximately 29 days to be exact) and I am kicking myself for falling so far behind on everything. Haha! So for today’s quick post I was going to show you all the rewards I got from the ending of Splinterland’s last season.

Overall, it was average except for the GF Beetle Queen. This card is valued at around $3 at the time of writing, so I think I will hold onto it for a little while to see if the price goes up. I have several GF cards that I think will only increase in value once they quit printing, so it may be a good idea not to sell any of them for now. What do you think?
Thanks for reading and stopping by!
Steem monsters is still 100% confusing to me but GREAT POST @knowledge-seeker! 😂😂👍👌
Also why is the Beetle Queen gluten free (GF) 🤔
Haha! This is probably one of my favorite comments I have gotten here on steemit.
I agree it was a bit confusing at first, but with a little help and guidance from @senstless, my Steem Monsters are worth over $300. (Assuming I can sell them all. Haha) Thanks for the comment and stopping by @summertooth!
Thanks KS! You definitely sought knowledge from the right guy! Sounds like you are half-way to Steem Monster LAMBO-TIME!